Chapter 6

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Warning!! This chapter is a little rushed, so a lot of it is loosely put together. Sorry =(.

Bruce's POV:
It takes me half an hour to find my old room. I wander around the facility's hallways hopelessly searching for anything familiar. It's so painful walking around this building and everything is blurry. I feel like I'm a kid from The Maze Runner. My memories are just out of reach.

I find a S.H.I.E.L.D. employee who is willing to point me to my bunk. I keep my cool until I'm alone in my room. Soon I feel rage start to fill my veins. A voice in my head curses and swears, telling me I'm not good enough to be me while another voice tells me to get up and either be pummeled by my problem or pummeled my problem before it beats me to a pulp.

I look at my shaking hands I see the color green slowly creep into my skin.

"No no no, not here. Damnit, Bruce. Get it together," I mumble to myself.

I squeeze my eyes shut, lock my knees, and hold my breath. Pass out, pass out, pass out.

Soon enough, I do. I feel myself fall over and I feel a darkness come over me.


Natasha sits me up. I groan and rub my head. There is a small knot starting to form where I hit my head.

"What the hell happened?!" She questions. "How long have you been out?"

I shake my head, "I-I don't know. I started to turn green, so I panicked. I decided to make myself pass out."

Nat slaps my on the shoulder. "I'd rather deal with The Hulk than an unconscious Bruce Banner. That scared the hell outta me."

"Noted. Next time I'll let the other guy out and cause mass destruction, maybe even death."

Natasha sighs. "That isn't what I meant and you know that."

I nod, "Sorry."

She stands and lends me her hand. "Now, get up. Tony wants ya in the lab."

I take her hand and stand. She doesn't let go of my hand, instead she intertwined our fingers and slowly lead me to Tony.

We stop around the corner before the lab.

I tilt my head, "What?"

Natasha just smiles. We stand in silence for a few seconds before she places both her hands firmly on the back of my head. She places her lips on mine. I'm stunned. It takes me a hot second to react but before I know it my hands are placed on the small of her back.

Nat is the first to pull away. We stand hand in hand for a minute or two.


"Yeah," I whisper.

"Promise me you won't ever sacrifice yourself for me again? I should've been in that coma."
I pull my forehead away from hers. "What?" I question, stunned.

"You heard me. Don't save my life over yours."

I look into her eyes searching for any sign or hint of humor. I can't find any.

"You're joking right?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. It seems selfish and ungrateful, but I can't ever make it through that again. I didn't mind the waiting, I wasn't a fan of the constant ups and downs. One day you were supposedly getting better and the next it looked like you were about to die." Natasha pauses then starts again, "I'm not equipped to deal with that twice."

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