Chapter 15

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Bruce's POV:

I meet Tony and Pepper in the parking lot across from the Parkers' apartment. They seem to be in the middle of a conversation so I smile and wave to Tony who smiles back before returning his focus to Pepper. Once we step into the elevator, their conversation ends and the ride up is filled with silence. As we walk down the hallway, I notice how comfortable Tony seems. He walks a little further ahead while Pepper and I study our surroundings. This is most likely because Tony visits Peter quite often and Pepper and I are more alike than different when it comes to social events.

I'm well aware of my anxiety shooting through the roof when I go to new places, scared of getting too angry or being literally stabbed in the back. I'd assume Pepper feels the same way due to the things she has had to deal with ranging from Tony disappearing and being turned into an explosive version of Cap.

Tony knocks on the door and I put my glasses on. Peter answers the door and welcomes us in.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! Mrs. Potts." I watch as the married couple enters the living room.

"Woah! Dr. Banner, I didn't know you were coming."

I smile nervously, wondering if that's a good or bad thing.

I see Peter's smile widens as he watches me enter. I guess it's a good thing.

I take a seat in a chair across from the couch where Tony, Mrs. Parker, and Peter sit. Nat and Pepper are sitting in two other chairs circling a coffee table in front of everyone.

Tony had started talking about Stark Industries and what he is currently trying to develop. Peter looks very intrigued for someone only in high school.

Mrs. Parker and Nat listen even though they both seem uninterested.

Eventually, the topic comes to an end and Mrs. Parker seizes the opportunity to ask who wants what for dinner.

"Pizza it is. Three meat-lovers, one vegetarian, and one pepperoni. I'll get on my way."

I smile when I see her make eye contact with Tony. Immediately, Stark stands up and offers to go get the pizza.

Mrs. Parker refuses at first but soon allows Tony to pay for the food. When he walks out, Mrs. Parker smiles and sits back down.

"Very clever," Pepper comments and chuckles.

Everyone laughs and a new conversation starts.

"So, what are you taking this year, Peter?" Pepper asks.

"Oh, well I-I'm taking AP physics and AP chemistry. I'm in honors calculus only because I accidentally failed my mid-term last year."

"You're still taking an advanced class, kid. I'd be pretty happy."
"Thanks, Miss. Romanoff."

Nat starts to say something but Peter cuts her off. "Sorry. Thanks, Natasha."

She rolls her eyes and smiles.

"You've been awfully silent, Dr. Banner."

I look across the room to Ms. Parker. "Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to be rude."

"Rude? Who said you were being rude? I was just wondering if you were feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. Thank you. And please, call me Bruce," I smile.

She nods and continues the conversation about Peter.

"Well, Ned and I are hoping to get into MIT."

I become curious. "Plan?" I question. "Tony could get you into any school with a phone call."

"I know. I just want to see if I can get in to see if I'm smart enough."

"I can almost promise you are, Peter," Pepper reassures.

Peter smiles and we here a knock on the door.

Natasha's POV:

Tony brings in the pizza and we all gravitate towards the food. Peter snatches almost an entire pizza. Tony follows suit and finishes off the meat-lovers box Peter opened and grabs a few more slices from the other box. Bruce reaches into the meat-lovers and takes two pieces. He also takes a slice from the pepperoni pizza. Pepper eats two pieces of pepperoni and a half of a piece of vegetarian. I enjoy three slices of the veggie pizza.

After eating for almost an hour, we talk some more. Soon enough, the four of us stand and thank May and Peter for having us over.

In the elevator, everyone is silent due to exhaustion. We all hang our heads a little low and look a little drowsy. I don't even realize what I'm doing until I'm across the street in the parking lot. Tony and Pepper are walking to their car and I'm with Bruce.



"I walked here. Could I get a ride?"

"Of course," he smiles.

We head to his car and as he walks to the driver's side I feel his hand leave mine.

When did that happen?! I think, astounded. Never the less, I smile and get into the passenger's seat.

Bruce drives right under the speed limit just to be safe. It takes us a little longer to get to the tower, but I don't think he cares. I know I don't.

Bruce and I enter the facility and realize we are the only ones here. There are no S.H.I.E.L.D. agents walking around the hallways. Even the lights are off. I sense Bruce tense and I feel my senses become more aware. Both of us move to the wall, both of us on our toes ready to fight. I pull my gun out of my boot and Bruce watches our surroundings nervously. I instinctively avoid all the cameras I can remember seeing. Soon we reach a corner that opens up to the stairs which go to the bunker. I step around the corner and the lights flash on.

"Shit," I grumble just before I hear a voice come through the hallway.

"As Captain Rodgers has said, 'Language.'"

"Jarvis?" Bruce asks.

"That's right. How may I help you?"

I look to Bruce who looks just as confused as I feel.

"Why were the lights off?" I question.

"Director Fury asked me to power down because no one should be here."

"So no one is here?"

"Except for you and Dr. Banner, no."

I close my eyes and mumble a few choice words about Fury.

"Is that all?"

"Could you keep the power in the main kitchen, our rooms and bathrooms, and the living room attached to the main kitchen running?" Bruce requests.

"Of course, Doctor. It was my pleasure talking to you both, Agent Romanoff and Dr. Banner."

Both Bruce and I tell him goodbye.

All I can manage to say is, "Wow."


A little filler chapter to help me finish up this story. Thanks for all your comments!! I really like hearing what you have to say about the chapters! Thanks!!! <3 <3

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