Chapter 9

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Bruce's POV:

I hear my phone buzz as I enter the library. I pick up.


"Bruce, get to the lab. We need your help with getting my suit back."

"Tony, I'm not that great with programming," I frown. I sigh quietly as I walk out the huge library and to the lab.

"Listen, pal, we need the doctor. Help us out, will ya?"

"I'm on my way." I hang up and slowly make my way to the lab.

When I arrive, Tony is pacing and Natasha is getting frustrated by his anxiousness. I chuckle when Tasha looks over and mouths the words, "Save me."

"Tony?" I draw his attention to me.

"Bruce! Thank goodness. This kid is good."

I shrug. "What would you like me to do?"

Tasha takes over. "Well, Peter has taken over the suit's control center which is almost exactly like Jarvis who is almost exactly like a brain. So, we were hoping you could help us out."

I walk over to examine the text on the screen. "Sure. I can try my hardest but don't be upset if I can't do anything helpful."

They both nod and Nat steps back giving me control. I begin to work some magic and play with the screen trying to stomp Peter, well Jarvis, out of the suit.

"Have you made any progress?" Tony asks with food stuffed in his mouth.

"Some," I admit.

"Karen is definitely different from Jarvis but a lot of their features are still the same. It also would have helped if either of you had thought to order me some food." I look over my shoulder to see Tony eating a burger and Natasha munching on his fries. I roll my eyes and turn back to the screen.

"You said you weren't hungry!" Tony exclaims.

"That was an hour ago!" I counter.

Nat steps in. "Bruce, we can still get you some food."

I wave my hand dismissively. "It's fine. Next time I make dinner I'll make sure to only make enough for me and the other guests."

"Bruce!" Both yell at the same time.

Nat swats my arms and Tony flicks my ear. I smile and continue my work.

"We've been at this for four hours. I should have never given a kid as smart as Peter one of my toys."

Tony keeps getting more frustrated. At times it worrisome but mostly it's funny.

"How can one kid beat two geniuses and a tech wiz? He has to have help and the help has to be good." Natasha points out.

I bite the inside of my cheek and continue typing and scrolling around on the popup window.

"He has Ned, but that kid can't be as good as you. Really there is no one alive better than biotechnology than Bruce. No one better at hacking than you, Natasha, and no one better than the guy who built the damn thing."

I bite my lip.

"Bruce? You okay?"

I feel Nat's hand rest on my shoulder. The only thing I want to do now is wrap my arms around her and never let go.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I'm just trying to stay focused."

Nat picks her hand up and drops it by her side. I turn my attention back to the screen when I realize we are doing everything wrong.

Natasha's POV:

Bruce abruptly stops moving.

"Bruce?" I question.

He spins around with a surprised look on his face.

"What?" Tony asks.

"We've been doing this all wrong. Peter made a mistake. He never made a backup. If this were a brain, it would make a form of backup to preserve memories if we were to hit our head. It's why some people remember things when they wake up from comas and some don't."

"So all we have to do is put the suit in a coma." I finish for him.

Bruce nods and moves so I can do what I need to.

I hear Tony slap Bruce's back and walk up behind me to watch.

After a few seconds, everything on the screen stops moving.

"Is that good?" Tony asks.

I nod. "It should be."

Soon all the code disappears and is replaced with the suit's original programming.

"Thank you guys so much."

Tony steals the keyboard and immediately goes to fix the back door.

"I wonder how Parker managed to fend for himself for so long." I look to Bruce as we walk out of the lab.

The man shrugs and leads us to the living room.

Bruce is watching Star Wars on the couch. I grab a blanket from the chair next to him and curl up beside him. I feel him tense a little before relaxing and wrapping his arm around me. I throw the quilt over us as he pulls me closer by the waste. I rest my head on his shoulder and watch the movie with him in silence. Until I feel the urge to tease him.

"Geek,"' I mumble.

Bruce laughs before planting a kiss on my temple. "I thought chicks dug that."

I smile and pull myself so close there is no space between us. My arms are hugging his waist and I've buried my head in his chest.

"I do dig that," I say quietly.

Bruce slightly pulls away so he can see my face. I look up and he presses his lips to mine. At first, the kiss is hesitant, but it becomes more passionate at the end. I let him know it's mutual by returning his kiss with another. I feel his body adjust and soon his legs are intertwined with mine and I'm laying on him. Our fingers find each other and take hold.

We both take our time, careful to not run out of breath. Bruce's hands find the small of my back and my hair. I feel one hand run through my hair and the other keeps me close to him.

I smile and let out a sigh before sitting up, pulling him with me. I sit in his lap still close enough to keep my lips pressed to his.

My hands keep him pressed close when they find his hair. Both are soon tangled in his soft curls. Bruce catches his breath by gently pressing his lips to my neck and everywhere else on my face.

When I find the opportunity to speak I do. "Bruce?" I ask breathlessly. "We can't stay in here."

"I know," I hear him mumble.

I feel Bruce move his hands to the middle of my back and I know what he is about to do.

I wrap my legs tightly around his waist and let him carry me somewhere in the Facility. I feel my back hit a soft comforter. Bruce follows soon after and locks his lips with mine before rolling over. I do the only thing I have enough energy to do. I wrap my arms and legs around his body before burying my face in his sweater. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Right before my brain taps out, I hear Bruce mumble something unintelligible.

Somehow his incoherent words make me smile.

I feel his hands run over my hair and start to rub my arm.

This must be what safe feels like. Right after this thought, I fall asleep.


Sorry if there are typos, but I wrote this chapter pretty quickly. I'm seeing Endgame tomorrow and I need some Brutasha content. Will I get it? Who knows, only Marvel and everyone else who has seen the movie. Oh well, I'll find out in 12 hours. Hope you enjoy some smut and a little more Peter Parker. He'll be back. So will Pepper and some other characters. Hope y'all have enjoyed this story, have any recommendations? Have a nice rest of the weekend or week if you're ahead of me. :) :) :) :) :)

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