Chapter 13

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I'm running out of inspiration so I'll probably wrap this story up in the next couple chapters. I've also been going through my chapters and there are a lot of grammatical errors. Sorry, but thanks for stickin' with me. Have a nice week :)

Natasha's POV:

Bruce grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and sits down at the small, circular table. Clint and I follow suit and take seats on the opposite side of the room. Bruce sips his water, obviously waiting for someone to say something.

"I have never felt anything this awkward," Clint says, trying to start a conversation. Bruce's facial expressions go from blank to perturbed.

"Sorry for making this room so uninhabitable," he retorts.

No one says anything for what feels like at least half an hour. Bruce has finished his water and Clint keeps checking his watch.

Finally, Bruce breaks the silence. "Clint, if you had previous engagements, you don't have to stew in silence with us. In fact, you could take Romanoff with you and forget I was ever here."

I wince when he calls me Romanoff. Clint looks to me with concern written all over his face. I shake it off and straighten my posture.

"I told Laura I'd take care of the kids tonight. She is going into town to meet some friends. Sorry."

I wave my hand dismissingly and he hurries out the door.

A few minutes of agonizing silence passes. Bruce's face has returned to unreadable and I've given up trying to look comfortable. I'm slouched and bent over in the chair. This is worse than being tortured in a cave by Russians.


"I don't want your pity," he interrupts.

"Fine, you won't get any. I'll only yell at you. Is that what you'd prefer?" I can feel my voice slowly rising.

He messes with a loose string on his shirt.

I sigh. "Bruce, you've gotta stop doing this to yourself. Just 'cause The Hulk," I correct myself when I see Bruce flinch, "the Other Guy has hurt some people doesn't mean you have."

I see him start to think about his response.

His eyes are soon filled with guilt. "Yes, I have." Bruce's voice is so quiet, I almost missed what he said.

"Who have you hurt more than you have helped?" I question.

"You." He turns his head to face me and your eyes lock.

I'm caught off guard by his answer. Soon Tony's words come rushing to the front of my mind. "Bruce is great at listening, mainly because he is scared to talk."

Suddenly, I feel a compulsion to tell him my life story explaining how he has done close to no harm to me compared to other men I have met. Apparently, I haven't spoken in a while because Bruce looks more hurt than before.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. You can also stop telling me I don't when, obviously, I do."

He starts to stand but I stand up and get in his way.

"Bruce, the only person you have harmed in your life is yourself."

Silence. I step closer.

"Everyone you know has flaws. And yes, yours may be green and angry and able to lift 100 tons, but I am also an assassin who has killed, at least, one too many people. Tony thinks every problem in the world is his because he cares so much. Clint is so focused on his friends and family, he forgets that there even is a world. And don't get me started on Steve. That super-soldier is insane."

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