3 - The Crew

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"Ok everybody, may I have your attention please!" Rodimus shouted over the sea of people in front of us. "I'm sure many of you have heard about the mysterious femme that appeared in Swerve's bar last night. This, is Y/n. We believe she may have come from a parallel universe and after she died there, she was flung here, into our universe."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Someone shouted.

"We were going to after we held the meeting, calm down." Rodimus eased. "Now, is anyone familiar with the term 'Cybertronian Guardian'?"

"You mean the angels?" A small, white and blue minicon asked.

"Yeah, some people call them angels, but their real names are Guardians. Y/n here, is one of them." Rodimus explained and I nodded.

"Prove it!" A guy with a Scottish accent shouted. I was confused for a moment until I realized my wings weren't out. My back plate opened up and my wings sprouted out from it, splaying across my back.

"Woah." The whole room mumbled. Then I opened my rift and pulled out the Godkiller, the thrum it used to have was gone now. The blade was dark and absent of energy.

"Are you an Autobot?" An Empurata asked.

"I was. Back in my universe though, the terms 'Autobot' and 'Decepticon' are something we've put in the past. After Quintessa was killed, our Decepticons were few and strictly followed Megatron, or they were already teetering on the edge of giving up. I have this ability to, I don't know, purify people? I don't really know if that's the right term but it can clear the mind of dark influences. Our Megatron now lives on a renewed Cybertron, rebuilding cities and making homes for people who need them." I explained.

"Witchcraft!" Someone yelled jokingly. I smiled a little and folded my arms.

"Is anyone opposed to her staying?" Rodimus asked. No one spoke up so he turned to me. "Everyone welcome the new crew member!"

Everyone shouted in celebration and I laughed a bit to myself.

"Yo! Who's she gonna stay with?!" Someone yelled.

"Any volunteers?" Rodimus asked. "We're a little short on hab space since we're still getting everything back in order so I hope you don't mind sharing a room."

"It's cool," I said as I watched a couple of people raise their hands.

"I suggest only pairing her with a single roommate. The rooms are not big enough to support three." Magnus suggested.

"How about Whirl? Do you have any objections to being roomed with a former criminal, possible psychopath?" Rodimus asked me.

"No, I can handle my own if that's what you're asking. Trust me, I've had to deal with worse." I shrugged and he shrugged in return.

"Hey Whirl, guess who's getting a new roommate?!" Rodimus shouted and the Empurata looked up and shrugged.

"As long as she isn't like Magnus then it's cool." He remarked.

"Then it's settled. Everyone go back to what you were doing and have a wonderful evening! Meeting dismissed!" Rodimus shouted and everyone dispersed. I jumped down from the stage and followed Whirl.

"Question one, how do you feel about blowing things up?" Whirl asked as I walked beside him.

"Love it! The bigger the explosion the better." I told him.

"Good. Guns?" He asked.

"Bigger the better," I repeated.

"Good. Rules?" He questioned.

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