6 - Luna 1

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~Two Hours Later, On the Other Side of the Portal~

"So, that's Luna 1?" I asked.

"Yes," Cyclonus answered simply.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Tailgate asked and I nodded.

"In my universe, Luna 1 was destroyed long before the war," I said.

"Our Luna 1 disappeared a long long time ago. The first Ark's mission to find it. Nova Prime wanted to find it so that we would have new sparks. That was before spark splicing and the new carrying methods were created." Tailgate spoke.

"It's funny how different things are between our universes. Carrying has always been the method of getting new sparks in mine." I explained, thinking back on when Rayne was growing up. Apparently, I'd spaced out because the next I knew, Tailgate was waving a servo in front of my face.

"Guardian, you in there?" Tailgate asked, stirring me from my flashback.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry. What did you say?" I asked.

"Rodimus wants to see you and Cyclonus in the bridge, he said it was urgent." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you Tailgate, see you later," I said and quickly made my way to the bridge, catching up to Cyclonus halfway there. Once we stepped in, Rodimus came over to us.

"We're sending down a squad. I would like the two of you to come." He said. I nodded for my answer and Cyclonus was silent for a moment.

"Only on one condition." He said. "Tailgate comes as well."

"I can do that," Rodimus said. "Call him in, we leave in five."

Cyclonus left again and I shrugged to myself before heading down to the hangar with everyone else. Our team consisted of Brainstorm, Perceptor, Chromedome, Skids, Whirl, Ratchet, Cyclonus, Tailgate, Rodimus, and a smaller orange bot I haven't met yet. My helm titled in curiosity and I went over to him to tap on his shoulder. He jumped in surprise and I took a step back so I didn't scare him more.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I said lightly.

"It's alright, I just wasn't expecting it. Ah, the Guardian, pleasure to meet you Y/n. My name is Rung." He greeted, offering me a servo. I went to shake it but when our servos met a bolt of electricity arced out from between us. I gasped and looked him in the optics. They flashed with confusion and that only stirred my own confusion.

"W-What was that?" He gasped. That's when I understood...Rung has no idea who he actually is.

"Sorry about that. Just a bit of extra electric charge. That happens sometimes when I have a bunch of extra energy after refueling." I said, trying to laugh it off. If this version of him wishes to stay among his people then I will leave the little deity be.

"Everybody ready up!" Rodimus suddenly shouted. We had all boarded the shuttle and his voice reverberated like all hell hurting my audials. "Flight frames use your alt modes once we get down there. Ground frames, we're taking the M.A.R.B.s."

The shuttle lurched and left the Lost Light for the surface of the moon. I stood and held onto one of the bars on the ceiling as support. The smaller bots had taken their seats but Cyclonus and Rodimus stood on either side of me.

Once we landed, I let my wings out and stretched a bit before flying out of the ship and hovering. "Ok everyone stay in tight formation, we don't know what to expect," Rodimus said. " Y/n, Cyclonus, Whirl, and Brainstorm, you guys are on overwatch duty. Keep your scanners up and optics alert, comm us if you see anything."

The others transformed and we flew above the rest of the group as they traveled across the ground. My wings allowed me to fly faster than the others but I stayed back and watched the terrain while doing aerobatics. I could hear Whirl grumbling something about me showing off and I chuckled. Then something caught my optics.

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