11 - Oh?

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"Starscream?" Magnus asked, confused. I tilted my head and looked over the other bots behind him.

"Skywarp." I gasped. "Perfect! Do you guys know where Shockwave is?"

"That's what we're here for." Starscream snarked. "Who are you anyway?"

He cocked his hip and looked me up and down. Suddenly I felt a twinge of self-consciousness in my chest and I was silent for a moment.

"My name is Y/n," I answered confidently.

"Ugh, what an organic name." He said, disgusted. My blood pressure rose and Magnus sat a hand on my shoulder to keep me from strangling Starscream. I took a deep breath and calmed down to compose myself.

"Where is Shockwave?" I asked stiffly.

"Crystal City, obviously." Starscream snarked.

"Just like I thought," I mumbled. Magnus looked down at me and his eyebrow rose.

"Skywarp, how many people can you teleport?" I asked.

"Why?" He retorted squinting in suspicion.

"Because we need to get to Crystal City. Quick." I said seriously.

"How many have you got?" He asked. I rounded up a team in my head and looked up at Magnus.

"Magnus, Megatron, Bumblebee, Starscream, Skywarp, Brainstorm, Skids, and whoever else that you absolutely need. Everyone get to the Lost Light and recoup. We leave in thirty minutes!" I ordered and everyone seemed to follow it. "Huh, what do ya know?"

~Time Skip (Magnus left for a while and Y/n has been chilling, watching the others interact with each other)~

I stared up at the stars, wanting to go and search for Optimus. My spark ached a little and I subconsciously rubbed my chest a little. Then something caught the corner of my eye. I watched Prowl go soaring off of a cliff a good thousand yards away.

"The hell?" I mumbled. Magnus came up next to me and cocked an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Chromedome just yeeted Prowl off of that cliff over there," I said, completely forgetting where I was.

"What?" Magnus asked again, utterly confused at what the hell I just said.

"Oh sorry, Chromedome just chucked Prowl off of that cliff over there," I said, pointing to where Chromedome was now flipping off Prowl below him. Magnus sighed and started walking so I tagged along.

"This happen often?" I asked.

"For Prowl, yes. After everyone started coming back to Cybertron, he's been different. More aggressive, agitated most of the time, and acts without logic." Magnus huffed.

"Hmm. Did something traumatic happen to him that you know of?" I asked, trying to sus out what went wrong.

"There was a run-in with an attempted hacking a few decades ago," Magnus explained.

"Could have something to do with that." I shrugged, jumping over rubble piles and letting my wings bounce freely.

We approached the squabble and Chromedome was now on the ground instead of Prowl, having just been socked in the face. I flapped my wings a bit and landed in front of Prowl to stop his advance.

"No more," Magnus spoke sternly, holding Prowl's fist. Other bots I didn't know had come over to the scene and were now egging on Prowl and Chromedome. Prowl snarled at Magnus and spoke sharply.

"Manhandling a superior officer, I thought you were above that Duly Appointed Enforcer." Prowl snarked.

"Didn't you hear? I quit. I can still make a citizen's arrest though. You don't even want to know what she'll do to you. Technically she's a rank higher than all of us." Magnus said, gesturing to me. I looked at him and rolled my shoulders, going back to staring at Prowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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