1 - Begin Again

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"Son of a- Optimus!" I yelled.

"Yes!" He shouted back.

"I'm stuck!" I yelled with a laugh. I heard footsteps come up the stairs quickly and then he started laughing his ass off.

"Ha-how did that even happen?" He asked between laughs.

"I rolled over and now I'm here." I glared at him from in between our bed and the bedside table, unable to get myself out.

"Here." He said, offering his hand to me. I grabbed it and he effortlessly tugged me out and to my feet, pulling us chest to chest.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hi." He chuckled and pecked my nose.

"Mom! Dad! I'm leaving for school!" A voice shouted from downstairs. I bumped Optimus' chest and raced him downstairs. That race included shoving, attempts at tripping, and a whole lot of cursing. Once we made it downstairs, I claimed my victory and hugged my son to death.

"I can't believe you're a senior! That's crazy!" I shouted and Rayne just chuckled.

"You've been saying that since the first day of school Mom." He said with a playful eye roll.

"And I'll keep saying it until you graduate next week. And then I'll say 'I can't believe you're an adult!', so don't think I'm stopping anytime soon." I said cheekily. Rayne just groaned half-heartedly and I smiled.

"I'll see you guys later, love you!" Rayne shouted as he went out to the garage. Both me and Optimus shouted our goodbyes and 'I love you too!'s. After watching the McLaren 600LT race down the driveway, I turned to Optimus.

 After watching the McLaren 600LT race down the driveway, I turned to Optimus

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(Rayne's 'Car', a McLaren 600LT)

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Well, we could go check on the horns again, see if they've grown any. Then maybe we could go see Megatronus?" He suggested.

"Sure, that sounds good. Let's get some breakfast first though." I said and bounded to the kitchen.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to the sheer amount of energy you always have." Optimus chuckled.

"I know it's fuckin' crazy!" I said as I shoved half a blue pastry in my mouth. Optimus came up beside me and snatched the other half from my hand playfully and ate it.

"Race you to the nearest horn?" I asked playfully.

"You're on," Optimus smirked and I returned it before pecking him on the nose and vaulting over the island. He chuckled and followed in hot pursuit as I ran out of the house and transformed. I opened a groundbridge at the end of the driveway and leaped through it, waiting for Optimus on the other side.

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