10 - What the Hell Happened?!

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I must have fallen asleep because I was startled awake by shouting. I groaned and sat up, careful of the tethers still attached to my spark. Gently, I removed them after seeing that my spark had become a very light pink opposed to the angry red it was before. My feet carried me out to the medbay and I saw Ratchet and First Aid rushing around gathering supplies.

"What's happening?" I asked, scaring the shit out of both medics.

"You're awake!" Ratchet said happily. "Thank Primus!"

"Ratchet, we need you down here!" Magnus shouted over the comms.

"I can help, what's happening?" I asked again.

"The world's ending." First Aid said, grabbing a handful of tools and shoving them into his subspace.

"Ok, guess I'll have to go see for myself," I said, running out of the medbay against Ratchet's protest to take it easy. I stopped at the nearest window and my eyes widened at the chaos. There were two titans and a burning world beneath us. I flew as fast as I could to the landing bay but along the way, I slammed into someone. I tumbled and regained my footing before crouching in a defensive stance. Two bots were now sprawled in the hallway and I carefully went over to the nearest one. The yellow and blue one was trying to find his bearings whilst the silver one was missing his legs. Realizing they were harmless at the moment, I went to assist them.

"I apologize, are the both of you alright?" I asked. The yellow one groaned and that's when I realized he looked kind of familiar. "Wait, Bumblebee?"

"Who are you?" He groaned. I hummed and looked down at the silver one who hadn't said anything yet.

"Hmm, Decepticon, fangs, fusion cannon. I'm going to guess that you're Megatron." I mumbled and he looked at me.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"No, but you will. Come on." I said and lifted him by his shoulders. "Where are y'all headed?"

"Ship Bay Six." Bumblebee answered and I nodded.

"Alright, hold on to my arm, it takes a while to get to bay six on foot," I said and offered him my arm that wasn't holding Megatron. He held on and I flew down the hallways as fast as I could without Bee falling off.

I slid to a stop in front of the door and opened it with my hand. "You also wouldn't have been able to get in. This bay has class B security clearance."

"Thanks for your help random stranger," Bee said and I chuckled.

"My name is Y/n. Now, what do you guys need this giant thumb for?" I asked.

"That's a part of Metroplex's thumb. It has regenerative ores in it that he needs." Megatron explained.

"Interesting. How are y'all going to get it out?" I asked.

"I have a space bridge in my chest, I can teleport it out," Megatron said.

"Cool, mind if I hitch a ride?" I asked.

"As long as you help carry it," Megatron said as he reached out and touched the thumb. He then turned to Bumblebee and gave him a melancholic smile. Both of us glowed an eerie purple and suddenly we were floating through a void.

"Woah," I mumbled.

"This is the Solohexian Void. The space in between jumps." Megatron explained.

"Cool. So, how's the Decepticon tyranny going?" I asked, studying his face for a reaction. His face screwed up and then he looked at me.

"You bare no badge, are you a neutral?" He asked, avoiding my question.

"I guess you could say that, but not really at the same time. Do you recognize this?" I asked, showing him the Guardian symbol on my forearm.

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