4 - Overlord

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My eyes opened and I was met with an unfamiliar room, again. I slowly lifted myself up off of the surface I was on and looked around, taking in my surroundings. No one was in the room but I could hear something outside. Realizing I was in my human form, I bounded off the recharge slab. When I neared the door, it slid open and I was greeted with several people outside. Tailgate, Rodimus, Magnus, Whirl, a large purple mech, and a smaller black and white mech.

"Woah, you guys weren't kidding." The black and white mech said, coming closer and examining me.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"You fell asleep on me so I brought you back to our hab suite," Tailgate said, motioning to the large purple mech standing beside him.

"Uh-Thank you. What are you all doing?" I asked.

"We were waiting for you. We wanted to see you in your human form." Rodimus said, kneeling down to my height. "What's the metal on your face?"

"There was an experiment and this appeared because of it. I have it on my collarbone and my shoulder as well." I said, moving my shirt to show him.

"Interesting, Ratchet will have a heyday with you. There is another reason I wanted to see you. I need to speak to you, in private." He said. I nodded and he offered a servo for me to climb on. Memories flashed back and forth and I took a step back.

"I-I'll walk if that's ok?" I asked and he nodded with a smile before standing to his full height and leading me elsewhere. I shifted to my wolf and trotted beside him.

"So are you a triple changer? I can't figure out what you are." Rodimus asked.

"Think quadruplechanger," I said and he hummed.

"Oh? What's your fourth form?" He asked.

"Sports car," I answered simply and that peaked his attention.

"No way, lemme see!" He said excitedly.

"Alright," I said and transformed into my bipedal form and then to my alt mode.

"Alright," I said and transformed into my bipedal form and then to my alt mode

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(Just a refresher)

"That's so cool! Very Earthy." He chirped. I huffed a laugh and transformed again, staying in my bipedal form. It made me laugh even more because I noticed I was taller than Rodimus.

"So what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"We can't talk about it out here-" Rodimus was suddenly drowned out by a sickening crunch from a couple of floors down. I gasped and then jumped when the alarm went off.

"Rodimus someone is attacking, two-no, three floors down. The medbay! I'll meet you down there!" I shouted and spread my wings before kicking off of the floor and soaring through the hall to the lift. I slammed the button for floor five and fidgeted uncontrollably waiting for the doors to open.

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