8 - Thunder and Lightning

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~One Week Later, Third POV~
The hangar bay doors of the Lost Light opened and the lone Autobot ship docked inside. It's hydraulics hissed as it landed and steam curled off of the jump drives. Inside the ship, the crew took a deep breath in relief.

Outside, several bots came running into the hangar and waited for the bots inside to make an appearance. The crew opened the ramp and filtered out, happy to be safe.

"Orion, nice to see you again." Ratchet said.

"You as well old friend," Orion replied as Rodimus stepped forward.

"Told you they needed our help," Rodimus said dismissively to the security chief behind him.

"I never said they didn't, I just said maybe there was a reason that they said to stay away." Ultra Magnus huffed.

"What happened?" Rodimus asked the former Prime in front of him.

"The Dead Universe has made an appearance and this time I believe it is not something to be taken lightly," Orion said seriously. "Had you not come to our rescue, we would surely have been pulled in."

"Then good thing we came," Rodimus said proudly.

"It is indeed," Orion said, relieved.

~A Couple Hours Later Back to Your POV~

"Cyclonus?" I asked, knocking on the door in front of me. There was some shuffling from inside and the door opened to reveal both Cyclonus and Tailgate.

"Woah, who are you?" Tailgate asked. I tilted my head in confusion before remembering I had just gotten a reformat.

 I tilted my head in confusion before remembering I had just gotten a reformat

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(Alright, new book, new frame. Had some inspiration from a picture of Starscream. Hope y'all like it and enjoy!)

"It's Y/n, Tailgate. I just had my frame reformatted." I said happily.

"Wow, it looks great!" He said and I laughed a bit.

"Thank you Tailgate. Now, what was it you needed Cyclonus?" I asked, looking over to him.

"I would like to take you up on your offer if it still stands," Cyclonus said, taking a step back to let me in.

"Of course it still stands," I said lightly, walking into their hab suite. "All you need to do is sit down."

Cyclonus came and sat on one of the berths while Tailgate came over curiously.

"What are you doing?" Tailgate asked.

"I'm healing his face," I explained.

"Ohh, cool." He chirped. I stepped over to Cyclonus and carefully laid my hands over his face. "How come Ratchet didn't do it?"

"Because I asked him not to," Cyclonus answered.

"Ratchet may be the best medic ever, but these would have scarred," I said.

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