2 - Best Worst Day Ever

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"What?" Rayne asked.

"It's the only way ọmọ," I told him solemnly.

"Why does it always have to be you and Dad. Always! Can't someone else put their lives on the lines for once?!" He shouted. I tried to remain stoic and I could tell Optimus was trying as well but it was hard. Watching your child grieve is something I'd never wish on anyone.

"I'm sorry Rayne. But if we don't do this, Earth, Cybertron, and all of their people will be in danger." Optimus said, placing his hands on Rayne's shoulders.

"I-I know Dad, I'm just being selfish. It seems like I just met you and now you're giving up your life to save everyone, again." Rayne frowned.

"We won't ever really be gone, Rayne. We'll be in here, always with you, no matter what." I said, pointing to his heart. "I know, it's cheesy. True, but cheesy."

"You're the worst. I love you guys, I'm going to miss you." Rayne moped.

"Hey, maybe I can pull some strings up there. You never know." I shrugged playfully, trying to cheer him up.

"Maybe. But if you guys are going to this, do it before I change my mind about honoring your choices." He said with a melancholic smile.

"Be strong Rayne, we love you. Don't let your grandpa be alone with Grimlock. Take care of little Carter. And talk. We'll listen, I swear it." I said, hugging him tightly.

"I will Mom. Love you guys too." Rayne said. He gave Optimus a hug as well and we all stood there for a moment.

"Goodbye Rayne." Both of us said before disappearing into thin air. Me and Optimus transformed before looking down at the massive hole left by the Knight's ship.

"That's a deep hole," I stated.

"Yep," Optimus said simply and jumped in, leaving me to roll my eyes and jump in after him. As I fell, I felt worse and worse. My helm ached and I cursed at the nauseous feeling.

When we landed on solid ground, it was dark save for the eerie purple ambiance. Optimus looked down at me and I could see the emotional strain the mirrored my own in his optics. I sighed and followed the sound of what was unmistakably a spark beat. It was quiet, but it was there.

It took hours to finally reach anything out of the normal. At first, there were caverns that looked like stone caves, but now, they look more metallic and cylindrical.

"Follow this line to the right, it should take you down to the main energon pump and you can get to the spark that way." Ratchet suddenly piped in.

"Got it. Ratch says go right." I said out loud and Optimus hummed, following my directions. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why?" He asked.

"Optimus, I can literally feel your emotions, you can't lie to me. Was it me? Did I do something?" I asked.

"No...no, I just...I swore I'd be there for him and now I won't be. I'm going to break that promise." He said. I stopped and turned to him, grabbing his forearm.

"We aren't leaving him. We'll be there for him, just...spiritually. There's nothing we can do about it now. He's strong, stronger than anyone I've ever met. He understands." I consoled him.

"I know he does, but I just can't help it. Doing this though, making sure he's safe, matters more to me than anything." He said, suddenly more confident.

"Together, we do this together. For him, for everyone we've lost. Ok?" I asked with a sad smile.

"Ok." He said and we continued in our walk.

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