Chapter 8

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Adrien's POV

I had returned home soon after evening visiting hours were over. Natalie had found me in the café next to the hospital. She had probably gotten my whereabouts from Nino once they had left the hospital after checking on Marinette. The looks on my classmates' faces as they left the hospital were enough for me to know that her condition hadn't changed.

The image of her lying on that hospital bed, what was left of her life slowly starting to fade away was enough to make me break down all over again. I couldn't stand seeing her like that, and the knowledge that I was partly to blame; did not help me in the slightest.

The whole car ride back home was silent, Natalie kept glancing my way, sympathy in her eyes, but I did not need sympathy. I needed the cheerful, full of life Marinette back. I sat the whole car ride with a blank expression on my face, never ending tears falling from my eyes.

I had been this way for a while now, no words coming out of my mouth, a blank expression, and rivers of tears dripping down my face. My father had barely said a word to me; I hadn't seen him much lately either, but he was the least of my worries right now.

I had walked into the large house that belonged to my father, and had immediately made my way to my room. As I was walking up the stairway my green eyes met the bluish-black of my father's. He was standing on the top of the stairs, just before they split to the right and left.

His expression was blank as always, but not the sad blank expression that I wore. Instead it was the stern, cold expression that I had come to know this past year. Ever since my mom had died, my father had never been the same. I made my way past him, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Adrien..." My eyes turned towards my father, his eyes filled with sympathy. I shrugged his hand off, continuing my pursuit to my bedroom.

I didn't need his sympathy, or anyone else's. What I needed was far beyond my reach, her fate was out of my hands, and I hated that thought. It was too late anyway for my father to show me sympathy or understanding.

"Adrien...!" My father's voice sounded throughout the halls, but was soon cut off.

"Sir, I think it would be best to leave him be. His friend's recovery has taken a negative turn. He needs time to himself." Natalie's voice cut my father off, and I was grateful to her for giving me space. As I was about to open the door to my room, I hesitated for a second, hearing the conversation by the stairway.

"So sir," Natalie said," are you going to do plan A tonight? You have a great advantage at the moment."

"I don't think so. Even though I've got a massive advantage, and this is a great opportunity to do plan A. I don't think I can, I'm too exhausted at the moment, I'll do it tomorrow, after all what difference will one day make, since everyone is negative at the moment."

I opened my door and walked inside my room, as my father said the last part. I was incredibly confused with what he had told Natalie. What is plan A, I thought, but soon this thought was replaced with others.

I hope Marinette's going to get better. She has to get better, right? You idiot, of course she won't get better, did you see the state she's in? It wouldn't surprise me if tomorrow you found out that she's dead, and it would all be your fault. You're a terrible friend, you couldn't do anything for your mom, and you can't do anything now.

"Stop...please," I whispered to myself, my hands clung to my head, tears rolling down my face as I crumbled to the floor; unable to take in what the voice inside my head was saying.

At that moment Plagg flew up to me, a piece of Camembert cheese in his small paws. The smell of the cheese was unbearable, but I had no energy to get annoyed with his taste in food.

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