Chapter 9

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"It was all her fault!"

Marinette lay stunned as she heard these words come out of Chloe's mouth. Her face morphed in confusion and before she could defend herself Alya stepped forward.

"Where's your evidence Chloe?"

"Why should we believe you?" Nino added. Just as Chloe was about to answer a loud voice was heard behind the group.

"What is going on here? Why are none of you in your classroom? And..." Principle Democles was interrupted by a panting Ms Boestier.

"Wha-what was that explosion? Is everyone ok?" The worried teacher ran up to the group, unaware of the principal's presence.

Upon entering the center of the group she saw the two injured girls who were the main suspects. Marinette watched as her teacher's eyes widened and she could only imagine the questions that were swarming in the young lady's eyes.

"Marinette! Chloe! What happened to you two?" Ms Boestier asked, turning towards the group, waiting for the answer that none of them could give.

" I don't need an explanation right now, but I would like one later. On a more urgent note I need someone to take Ms Dupain-Cheng and Ms Bourgeois to the nurses office immediately!"

Without hesitation the group nodded and Marinette felt herself being picked up bridal style, off the floor by none other than Adrien. Pain surged through her body and she could sense the bruise on her back that she had just gotten.

Her head felt like thousands of knives cutting into her brain and she struggled to contain the scream that was threatening to come out. She knew that she had to otherwise her friends would get worried.

Reaching the nurses office she felt her body being placed gently down on one of the beds in the room. Due to the amount of pain she was in she couldn't fully enjoy the feeling that she got by being carried by Adrien and disappointment washed over her.

Although one feeling was able to come across and that was that she had felt safe in his arms, as if nothing could harm her. The feeling felt similar to the one she had gotten when she was carried away by Chat Noir. It was the feeling she had felt when she had seen Chat's gentle side before having to fight Glaciator.

You hit your head far too hard Marinette, she thought to herself, you've gotten to the point where you're comparing Chat to Adrien. Come on, you know there is a huge difference between the two.

Or is there? A small voice in her head asked her.

Unable to come up with an answer to her question she sighed, her injuries causing tiredness to rush over her. She was about to close her eyes when a sudden high pitched voice woke her up.

"Ow that hurts, be careful when you put me down. Ow.... I said be careful!!" Chloe's loud and obnoxious voice filled the room and a grunt could be heard from Kim who was carrying her.

Marinette turned her head towards the liar wondering what her problem was. Chloe sat upright in one of the beds, a hand dramatically placed on her head. Her clothes were singed with soot and her face had black marks on it. Her hands were red and the one that had held the match was placed in a bucket of iced water.

Kim immediately left after placing Chloe down, walking past Adrien on the way out. Adrien sat in one of the chairs in the room, fiddling with a silver ring on his right hand.

" that you?" Chloe called out as if she were on her deathbed.

The nurse stood to the side of Chloe, confusion written all over her face as to why Chloe was acting this way. Adrien just sat there almost as if he was in a trance, which angered Chloe since she had gotten no reply from him.

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