The end

412 11 18

That's the end of Two choices, I really enjoyed writing this book, although I know it is quite cringy and bad, but it was fun as it is the first book that I have published.

I would like to thank all of you amazing readers for taking the time out of your day to read my book.

I know my spelling and grammar is bad so please don't hate on me for it.😅😄

I would also like to thank some of my friends who helped edit this book since my grammar is as you know terrible.



Please check out their stories and give them support, they are talented people.
Thank you guys so much😄


277 pages
71 992 words 😶
Two years to complete

So far:

3k !! reads
112 votes


Thank you all so much😄

Most of all I hope you enjoyed the book and found it interesting.

Don't forget to comment and vote.😅


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