Chapter 17

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Adrien POV

I sat in class, my fingers twirling a pen while my feet continuously, softly pounded on the floor of the classroom. My whole body was tense and my mind restless, I couldn't concentrate on anything, whether it was the new science topic we were covering, or the small comments my friend Nino made beside me. I couldn't think straight or focus properly, I was too on edge.

Could you really blame me though? For the past two, three months, or however long Marinette had been recovering at home for (yes it's gotten to the point where life is just passing me by in a blur, one that I can't keep up with). However, we all knew that she was supposed to be well enough for school already, her prescribed time was up. . .but she wasn't back. . .she wasn't better, and that just made everything worse.

Apart from the immense worry and guilt from an unrecovering Marinette, I have had to fight off Hawkmoth's million akuma attacks alone, with no help. It hasn't exactly been a leisurely walk in the park.

I let out a sigh as I continued to fidget, my eyes wondering from the board to the corner of the classroom. Class had been painfully different since the accident, no one talked about it, but then again barely anybody talked at all nowadays. The days would just pass in a black and white blur, the events always the same. Class...silence, break...split off into groups...hushed whispers, class...silence...someone breaking down.

Each day it would be someone different. One moment everything would be quiet then the sniffles would be heard, followed by a soft wail and then the tears would flow. By then the class would go from silence to dead silence (yes there is a difference) as we all knew why the person broke down. All regretting what had happened, what they had said, what they had done.

Ms Boestier, having gotten used to this by now, would quietly escort the person out, knowing that when she left no ruckus would be made. After minutes of silence Chloe would stand up from her seat, the mass of guilt on her shoulders always taking its toll and she too would leave the classroom.

This was a constant situation, one that always happened, but we were never emotionally prepared for when it did. Some days would be worse than others, not just one person would break down but two, or even a whole group, some days it would be so bad that the whole class would break down, and I mean everyone.

The class was a mess, no one was the same, everyone was affected and it was now starting to get to the point where we would all be sent home early when things took a turn (which was almost everyday), as none of us could concentrate, or we would all break down.

On the days where many of us did make it through the excruciating eight hours of school, we would be sent home as per normal, homework being given along with what to study for tests and exams, because funny enough going through the mental trauma of watching a friend get knocked over by a car, nearly die and having had a fight with them before as well as becoming victims to Hawkmoth is not a good enough excuse to postpone school or stop exams. So of course, all of our grades were dropping and none of us even had the energy anymore to try and boost them. Yay go school.

We all had the same reason though, the same reason why we couldn't focus, the same reason why someone broke down each day, and that was because all our minds were on Marinette. The usual, hard working, friendly, loving girl who would bring a smile to everyone's faces, was now suffering through unbearable pain, having been hit directly by a speeding car and surviving the near death wounds that she had gotten.

Everyone was worried for her, everyone wanted her to get better so that the once happy class could once again put smiles on their faces, but we all knew that that would not come for a while, and we would just have to accept that.

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