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It was a fine morning...."weather is going to be naughty." The reporter on the t.v said with some doubts. It's going to be slightly rain & cloudy. "I don't mind if it happens on my way back home", the excited giggly girl shouted inside me.....
" Don't be late champ",my dad hugged me & planted a soft wet kiss on my cheeks. Wyaikssss.... 'I juuuussttttt hate wet kissing.' The girl inside me was just about to puke & I just slapped her with a straight face.. & pouted to my dad by making a puppy face and sticking my lower lips rolled out.... He smiled & winked at me "ohk.....take all the time you need". "She is going to be fine hon-" she said in a sarcastic way and winked at me.......GOD I hate her.....
She wrapped her hands around my dad's chests & kissed him savagely.
He gave her a look.... "Ohk...who is she..????? My step mom". My parents parted away 5 years ago... My mom Kathy, the most beautiful women alive 'at least for me'......
& she is Becca 'Rebecca thomas' my dad's new toy & my unwanted step- mom.
" we are going to be fine,just pray that today she gets what she wants", Annie said by rolling her eyes with a straight face.
"Will you guys stop discussing about it" ,this time I rolled my eyes at them, & fixed my glittery earrings..
"Anieeee I growled inside my head", checked my self at the full lengthed mirror & shouted 'bon voyage......'
By making everyone startled....
" Now can we just go???" Annie asked in a more disgusting way & I blow her a kiss....
Annie & I are together from the first day we met at the school in first standard,during our admission day..
She is my girl bff, she knows me more than I do.
Back to present, we said good by to my dad & Becca..... I glanced at my back to wave at my dad,but I saw he & Becca started licking each other face,just like cat's do, I rolled my eyes in a very disgusted manner. Annie pulled my hand & smiled with a frown."stop doing that" she snapped with narrowing her eye.
"I know you pretend to like her, but she is your dad's wife, except the fact," I nodded my head in obeying her.
"Now cheer up, we are finally going to our much awaited reunion." Yaaaaayyyy........we giggled.
After 10 years we are going to meet our school friends.
We booked a cab, as soon as it arrived we hopped in & I plugged in my head phone's & played a song 'one last night,by vaults' & looked outside.
The cool breeze was hitting my face & it was cloudy outside, & the song was on volume 12. "I think it's going to be rain or storm is coming????" Annie shouted on top of her voice by plugging out my ear buds. The driver looked angry & disgusted by her behaviour, & spying on us through the rare view mirror..
My eyes became heavy & I started feeling drowsy a lil bit. & suddenly there was a jolt, I jumped out of my seat & the driver said that we reached. Ohk......
It started sprinkling outside.
"Oh...shit" Annie almost cried & grabbed my shoulder. I opened the door as we ran inside the hallway,in our heels. 'It was your idea to put on heels" I said in a clenched teeth.
"You look wooww...." A voice from back side,I recog it without looking back. Raven...." U look soooo...handsome " wow...
My male bff, we use to sit together when I use to fight with Annie.
My partner in crime. He smiled at Annie & me. & hugged us tightly by almost taking our breadth.
"U look taller" by measuring me he asked. Annie looked at me with her classy face & said told yaaa....
"Cutting & biting heels". I said with a belly punch smile on my face & pointing towards my feet.
"U look great, just like your mom, bt a lil wet," which is making you a lot sexier. He grinned at me..
I rolled my eyes with a smile & batted my eyes like a barbie doll...
"Shall we go inside or wait for the rest of class????" I asked raven
"Hon you are late, everyone is inside, waiting for u" in a childish way....& I pulled his cheeks & said muahhh....
My heart is beating sooo fast,butterflies in my tummy, my knees are shaking, sweats all over my hands.
"Hey........relax" Annie rubbed my back. & said softly...
I know everything will be alright.
*just give me enough strength to face all of them*

we walked inside with everyone else......

My eye's scanned the room, as I entered into the hall.

On 1 side there was this huge podium. The host was standing & welcoming everyone with a huge smile on his face.
& on the other side there was food's,stalls,everything. .......

There was so many people.
And most of them were unrecognizable.

'Honey so are Uuuuuu.....' my subconcious gave me a huge fake smile.

Raven & annie started waving to people. A group of ladies approached us,"heyyy.....sam,"
"How are you?" all of them smiled at me, "Great" I smiled back. (only one word answer)

"you look wow...."one of them hugged me, & i also did the same thing.
"Remember me" she shouted at the top of her voice.
"Yup" i laughed at others reaction, on who was standing with her.
she was the most beautiful girl in our class."How can i forget u" i hugged her tightly.
Annie narrowed her eyes at me, as if she is going to murder me.
I rolled my eyes at her.

"soooo....,good to see you."I gave her a warm smile. she pulled me to from Raven & annie, as i looked back both of them were shocked there eye's were popping out of there sockets.

where is she taking me,
"Natt, where are we going?" I snapped her.
"In the ladies washroom"she softly answered, and smiled at me.
As we both entered,she locked the door behined us.
"I'm sorry...." her eye's were wet.
"For what?" I asked her in confusion.
"ooh....plzz,now don't be so modest,i know; that you know i was cheating with william's on you" she held both my hands in her hands & started crying.
"Heyyy.....shhhuuush" i tried to calm her down, but it was quiet impossible for me right now.
"It's ok,he was just a crush, i never planned to propose him.only an infatuation, & now you are married to him & have kids.I'm more than happy for you." I whispered at her with a smile.

She wiped her tears with a tissue, & gave me a beaming smile.

so we are good right?"she made a puppy face."No" I mocked her..
& we started laughing.
"I heard about your parent's, I'm soo...sorry" she pittied me."Don't be,they were not destined to be together."I released a heavy breadth & fixed my hair in the mirror & forced a smile.
"you know what, the only person i will hate my hole life is Jake, because of him my parents are no more together,i hope i never see him in my entire life...."I clenched my jaws in anger ,i felt disgust while talking about him.
"why?" she surprisedly asked me.
"Because, becca was his ex wife only for one year,he introduced her with my dad & he fell in love with her,& that bitch juuust divorced him & married my dad"I spitted those words....
Natt rubbed her hands on my back & calmed me down.

"jake used to love you,i hope you know that" she tilted her hair & smiled at me.
"I really don't care"i looked away from her."i juust hope that he is not here today, other wise i will kill him & become the headlines tomorrow "we both started laughing on the idea.

There was a sudden knock on the bathroom door.


"can I take my bff from you"she faked a smile at her.......she nodded.& took me out of the washroom.
"what was that???"she asked her arms crosses.I stroked her cheeks & clamed her down by saying that she wanted to apologize for what she had done.'so chill'.....
"CHILLL REALLY????? CHILL?!?!!?! SAM....HOW COULD U JUUUSSSSTTTT FORGIVE HER LIKE THAT?????" she gave me a death glare.
'calm down anniee juussst a past thing' I assured her.

you are overreacting-it was such a past thing babe."Don't u babe me' she scoffed.
"How can you be so chill & forgiving after what she did to you???"she waved her hands towards the toilet."you cried for 1 week, and only i was there for you;& you just forgive her like that" shouting at her top,so that she can hear her..........

Then her face became more red & bitter and her jaws clenched ,fists she was looking behind me.As i turned my head back in slow motion.....OMG GREAT.......

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