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Jake's pov:-
I was so worried about this trip, sam warned me that she  would leave if she didn't like my company. While I'm driving still she was the one who was playing in my mind, I was stealing a glance time to time from her. She was admiring the view outside, looking as usual angelic.
I parked the car in front of Disneyland.
She looked at me quizzically "seriously Disneyland??? "
" What?? Now you don't like Disneyland?? " I rolled my eyes at her.
"Disneyland is for all the princesses and those girls who likes pink" She said with the somber look in her eyes.
" trust me we will have fun" now can we just get out of this car and have fun. She heaved a frustrated sigh, but i was also determined that I will make her feel good.
"Now can we first eat something??? " I asked her. She nodded with a pout,
I laughed at her reaction she looks so cute. We went to the McDonald's and she has a huge appetite.
We talked about every single details about each others life. I was giving full attention of whatever she was telling me.
Then we went out and suddenly a big Mickey Mouse appeared in front of us, she danced with that micky mouse. She click selfies with the Mickey Mouse and then we went to the princesses Castle. We roamed all over the castle and visited all the princess and took selfie with them for the first time after so many days I saw her happy.
She looks mature from outside but she is still the same Sam from my school ,the bubbly girl which I know that tom boy who use to beat the boys
She was my Sam the first girl who ever kissed me.
When we came out of the Disneyland she said" ok so truly telling you I have fun let's go home now" I cocked an eyebrow and said is that what you call a fun. We are recently in the parking lot and she suddenly turn around. "What do you mean?? " She asked amusingly. " this is nothing I call fun there is lot more"I said upon starting my car.
"Get inside we have to go somewhere else" I said her.
She got inside the car" I have to tell you that you have changed a lot"she rolled her eyes, and closed the door of the car.
I was driving very fast so that we can reach our destination, " You know we can go slow"
"Yeah I know but i don't want to waste any second, so... That I can show you the real meaning of having fun".
She rolled her eyes again,I think it's an habbit of her now.
I kept on driving my car,until we came to our destination Sam was quite and looking out side. I pulled over and she looked at me with a worry on her face.I Chuckled on seeing her expression"chill I'm not going to kidnap you & kill you".
"Shut up" she said sarcastically.
"Where are we???"she asked amusingly, "this is a place where I often come to think or you can say hide,shout scream or express myself...." I was in search of words.....
When suddenly she kept a hand on my shoulder and said" this is soo.... Beautiful Jake..." And admired the view."I'm glad that you like this place"
"What are we going to do here??" She asked out of curiosity. I shrugged "picnic I guess....",the place is a valley with forest's trees everywhere green & only green...
I hold her hand & she looked at me" let's go inside Sam" she nodded her little head, I smiled, I was holding her wrist tightly and started walking there were trees,the soil was moist there was a woody smell we kept on walking & the forest was becoming more deep. Flowers were everywhere and we halted infront of a camp with two logs and a big house tent and a small camp fire and surrounding it many more logged seat. She looked at me "is anyone else going to join us???, Did you do these arrangements??? " "One question at a time Tweety."I said her making her stop all of a sudden.
"No...one.....is going to join us."I said nonchalantly,"now stop questioning & start enjoying....ohk..???!!!"she nodded her head vigorously. I smiled at her cuteness,
She went inside the tent house and started brought some food with yoga mats and set it down " come & join me, I'm hungry jake" jeesh she has such an appetite...
"Yup, I'm coming , but Don't you wanna go swimming there is a water fall near this,"
"Let's eat first then ,ohk....I know you are hungry then we will go sight seeing"she said sweetly.
She started serving me,we ate, and discussed about how beautiful this place is and what are we going to do next.

"Jake, can I ask you something??" She asked me out of blue, I nodded my head."
"Ask me anything you like.." I said with a wide smile.

"Why you were married to Becca?" And why you came back after so many years? where have you been?"

I was shocked because of her questions, but I didn't let it effect me. My face became serious,"why you didn't want to see me?" I questioned back.
She Shaked her head vigorously,"I was just curious and concerned at the same time." She said with a weak smile.

My heart swelled upon hearing that, that she cares about me..." I think we should finish our food and pay a visit to the water falls." I changed the topic.

She was staring at me I guess in search of any emotion, but my face was completely poker. I knew it if I showed any she will be concerned and that will be the last thing I want for her.

We both finished eating silently and washed our plates.
"Shall we.." I flicked my hand towards the direction of the waterfall. She brought a bag from the car where there was swimsuit. We started walking towards that direction after walking and chatting about this place we suddenly started hearing the sound of water and flowing river. She chripped in happyness

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