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Jake's pov:-

I was not scared but worried for her, she was sitting just beside me inside the car.She looks gorgeous,in this morning look.I can tell that she has not applied any make-up,her brown hair was tied up in a messy bun two strands of hair was hanging down touching her full chubby cheeks. Her honey Brown coloured eyes with full lashes were batting as the wind was brushing her face and her full pink lips was glistening as she was continuously licking them.

Her sexy short legs were on top of each other the black leggings was doing complete justice to her legs.The tank top was looking amazing on her pale skin.
The car was silent,i know i was mad at her because she called me criminal last night i went furious, and got myself some sluts two of them were strippers and one was pornstar.I didn't knew any of their name, i just fucked them hard as i was pissed of first because of Rav kissing sam and second sam calling me a criminal.

I know she hates me, she was not expecting me to take her my home last night.But i promise myself that i will make her belief that I'm the right one for her, i will protect her from anything.
That's why I'm taking her away from everyone and the outside world.where she will be mine completely and i will never let her go.Atleast she can't run away from me to her stupid boyfriend, that fucker who's only with her because she is famous.Victor her boss & best-friends brother Victoria, i saw him cheating on her soo....many times.

It's not like that she is serious about him, after coming out of jail I searched for her everywhere.Then when I saw her on T.v i just got frozed, how she have changed and all matured.

After gaining some amount of money i, sent private investigators after her.And got every details about her,where abouts.

I have every details about her since then,she only goes out with the guys never let them come near her.This victor guy is also one of them, Annie and Victoria forced her to go on a date with him.When they kissed on the second date, it got my blood boiled.I just wanted to beat the shit out of him, because she is only mine, her soul her body and everything belongs to me, no one else.
But as she is mad at me right now,and our situation is not sooo....good.I will wait for her, I can do that as i have waited 10 years to see her, i can wait atleast ten more.

She makes me hard down there, whenever she is around me.It's her magical stair, when she gets mad at me, when she sleeps peacefully,  when she giggles like a lil tweety, when she eats her ice-cream playfully.GOD I LOVE HER!!!I JUUUSTT CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE HER AND LOVE EVERY SINGLE CELLS OF HER BODY....

I will make sure nobody lays eyes on my baby.........

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