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as the lift stopped and the door opened and we stepped inside the house.
It was such a huge place,everything was sooo....clean and beautiful.My jaw dropped on the floor somewhere. Everything was so new and shinning,as if this place was brought by him yesterday.

"Do you want anything??" he pulled me out of my shoked state.
I just shaked my head in response.
"Martha"he called for someone.
Maybe his girlfriend or a new toy or a slut whatever.
An old lady in her mid 50's appeared and hugged him, took his suite.
"Martha this is sam. i mean-before he could say.
"Samantha parker, right??" i was surprised how come she.....
" who don't know you honey....."
she was a sweet lady and very lovely, motherly smile.
i extended my hand to shake it, but she came and hugged me. And when she pulled away she started caressed my cheeks.
"you are very beautiful and smart lady,where have you been all my life. you know i have only watched you on T.V. you look like angle in real. so innocent and so sweet." i started blushing the way she described me.

"where you have been hiding her??" she asked looking at Jake.
And jake was grinning like a lunatic.
"umm....martha....she is Rebecca's  step-daughter."
"and sam this is martha my nannie, she is the only family i have, she has been my teacher and my everything."
"Oh.....nice to meet you mam"
"call me martha, and you are that hideous woman's step daughter??"suddenly her expression changed into anger.
"I'm sorry"i apologised for nothing.
"Don't be I'm sorry for you, that you have to stay with that witch."

I started giggling as she called Becca a witch."i think you are gonna be my best friend martha."i stated her.
jake staired at both of us in shock ed.
suddenly my belly growled and both jake and martha looked at me.
"you have not eaten anything???"
martha asked me.
i shaked my head in response,and she went into the kitchen and came out within a second. Dinner will be served honey.
"Martha she will be staying here for one month,so...."
"That's great dear i love her as long as that bitch is not coming again I'm ohk..." martha sated and winked at me.
I smiled at her,it was genuine.
jake rolled his eyes at Martha's statement.
"why you are wearing a handcuff honey??"Martha's eyes were wide in shock.
I look at jake,and he rolled his eye's again
"i gave her that,so that she don't run away from me again"he looked directly into my eyes,without any emotion.

Martha swatted his arms and commanded to open it.
"jake open it right now"and he obeyed her and he bend over my ear and whispered "don't worry this is not the end,i will again tie you and will make you mine."i gasped in shock. what did he mean by that???

we ate dinner by slight talking and chatting."so sam how many people is in your family??" Martha asked
"Uummm.......dad, mom becca & me." i answered, knowing that she will ask me about mom.
"oh....dear where is you mom now?? is she ok??"
"yup...she is, she is in Switzerland with her husband." i chewed my lower lips in embarrassment.
"wow ........Switzerland, oh...dear don't be embarrassed about that, every woman has needs she can't relay on a single man who broke her heart, which part of Switzerland she lives??"
"Zurich" i answered with a smile.
"And you are single child of your parents??"
jake choked on his water on the question.
"No....i had a twin brother, he died in car accident on our 18th birthday." my smile has disappeared from my face.
she squeezed my hand and i looked at her, "don't worry honey wherever he is he is doing fine and watching you from there." i only nodded in response.

I went to the room which was opposite to jake's room.
i was soooo....damn tired. I through the heels by shaking my leg and went to take a shower and stripped my dress. and stand under the hot shower and applied body wash and rinsed it.
Dried myself with the towel and wrapped it around my body.
I stepped out of the bathroom and went to the closet to get something to wear for tonight.As i opened it i found all my clothes was already inside it. wow.......
i dressed in my tank top and black leggings and came out of the closet.
I was just going to take my nap when there was a nock on the door.
"come in..."
"hey.....if you want anything, I'm right on the opposite side of your room"
i nodded in respond "thanx jake"
"for what??"he furrowed his eye brows.
"for bringing my clothes" he smiled and rolled his eyes in response.
"sam um......U-um.....sorry."he stuttered.
"for what?" i arched my eyebrows
" Martha didn't knew about sam"
"It's ok jake i didn't mind" i gave him a smile.

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