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I went near her and started sniffing the foods and checking them out.
I was about to pick a strawberry up when she swatted my hands.
And I started giggling and then pouted so that i can atleast eat one.Bt she shaked her head in no.

"These are for desserts dear...."she gestured towards the fridge.
" Do you have ice-creams"i almost jumped at my question.
she noded, i pinched her cheeks and went to open the refrigerator door, and holly Molly.

"SO MANY FLAVOURS" i almost screamed at the site of fridge.

"SO MANY FLAVOURS" i almost screamed at the site of fridge

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i was bouncing up and down in excitement.This is the beessst day of my life.....
I took one tub of ice-cream and closed the fridge door, the maid started laughing at my excitement.
"Mr.Adam's love ice-cream, you are going to eat the whole thing??" she pointed at the tub in my hand.
I nodded like a kid, "you will miss your breakfast dear"
"Nop.....i can eat like a man" i said very proudly.

And suddenly there was a chuckle from behind us, jake was leaning on the kitchen counter.His chin was resting on his hands, his hair was messy and he was wearing a blue sweatpants only.

He was looking more delicious than any ice-cream.soo...yummy...
vicky would have fainted at this sight.

"like what you see??" then realised that i was staring at him.

"Nop" i shaked my head and faked a smile.
I grabbed a spoon from the counter, & so did he.As i walked towards the couch and sat on one side he followed me and sat beside me.

"Do you mind??!!" he gestured towards the ice-cream.
"yes.....i do, go and and get yourself another one, I'm not sharing this ice-cream." i stopped him by putting a hand on his chest.

"you are soo...shellfish"he pouted
"yes....I'm,when it comes to my ice-cream" i said proudly.

But he kept on his pouty face.which was soo....cute...

Nop focus sam don't fall for the trap.

I switched on the T.v and started changing the channels, and looking for a movie.

secret life of pet's.....hmmmm.....not a bad movie.

I started eating my ice-cream and watch the movie.I can feel that he was still pouting at me.
I napped at his direction "what??"
"can i have some plzzz....." he begged like a one year old.
And i loose..........i have to share it."I hate you,did you wash your hand???" i asked him narrowing my eyes.

"But tell me why should i wash it??"
" Dosen't matter any more...."
"ok" he shrugged
I groaned loudly and he chuckled.

"" we both turned our head towards the voice and saw the girl from his room.

I shifted awkwardly away from Jake. But he didn't responded, how wired.He was the one who was thrusting his dick in side her pussy a few moments earlier and now he is ignoring her.

Men i tell you......

"Hi" she waved at me sexually.
"Hey....Good morning, is it?" i looked both towards Jake and her.
"I'm Gisele, and you??"
"Nice to meet you Gisele, I'm samantha, Samantha parker." i smile briefly this time.

"And you are???" raising an brow.

"OWww.....I'm just a guest,"

awkward awkward awkward

"so.... baby you never said that you know the famous Samantha parker."she sat beside him.

she was very pretty actually very sexy and hot.She was wearing only his shirt and no underwear.
she is a Blondie and blue coloured eyes,long shining legs and manicured nails.And her hair was messy due to the sex.
she has thin lips well bordered, very kissable.

He didn't replied any thing and he even stopped eating ice-cream, well that's weird. what changed him suddenly,i took a glance at him from the corner of my eyes he was sitting motion less and his jaws were clenched, i don't know what made him sooo.........angry?????

"Breakfast is ready....." the maid announced and i almost finished licking my ice-cream tub.
"coming....." i yelled. Both Giselle and Jake looked at me as i stand up to proceed towards the table.

It smells soooo......mouth watering and delicious, McCann favourite.I took the plate and went to the couch to watch the T.v. And thank god I was left alone, as i was shuffling the channels Giselle came and sat beside me with her plate on my right side and jake came and sat beside on my left side. Suddenly i stopped and turned my head towards Giesslle,"you look very familiar, have we met before??"
i asked her.
"I don't think so......."she shrugged."Am I that famous yet???" she asked me seductively eating her mccann cheese.

I furrowed my brows,what does that means???? "Are you a model? ??"
she shaked her head, no.

"I'm a pornstar." she stated, I choked at my food.I started coughing heavily, and she patted my back and rubbed it. And Jake handed me a glass of water, which i refused reflexively.

But he didn't listen and ordered to drink it,i had no choice but to drink as i was going breathless.
"can't you just shut your fucking mouth for a sec" he almost yelled angrily at Giselle.
"It's ok guy's I'm fine" i stated without looking at them.
Suddenly i remembered what Vicky told me today morning,so I changed the channel and put on the news channel.


I was beyond shock,what the hell.........Vicky told me that she will handle every thing.Is this a way to handle????All the news channel's were showing the same news.

"what the fuck......" i whispered and cursed under my breath.Both Jake and Gisele looked at me in a shock.
"your life is fucked up girl" Gisele said in a sarcastic way.

"GET OUT......" Jake shouted at Gisele."what??"Gisele replied with shock.
she ran towards the door without making any sound.And enters into the elevator.

I was sitting in a shock, as if someone has slapped me or punched me.people think that I'm dead.
"Getup we have to move out"jake held out his hands towards me.
"where???"i asked him.
"To my safe house"he was still holding his hands out for me.
I nodded my head and stand on my feet."I will take my things.

"Martha will be staying here"

i went to my room and packed everything. i came out of my room and saw he was sitting watching the news,with his luggage.As i came in front,he grabbed my luggage from my hand and handed it to the three bodyguards. we followed them,the elevator was quite and we went to the parking area.
we went inside a car and  two of the bodyguards followed us in another car.Jake pull the divider between the driver and bodyguard and us.
"Are you ok?" he asked in a worried face.
i nodded,"where are we going? ??" i asked him.
"My safe house, i told you earlier."

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