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continuity of Sam's pov.....

"Plzz...don't lie to me atleast sam......"he came and clasped my hands.
"No,I'm not, he was my past,I have learned how to live without him. I know it was difficult at first but now it's all good." Tears were coming and to be honest this time I didn't try to hold it back.
"Sssshhhh....sam I really didn't wanted to make you cry, bt if you want you can use my shirt, I really don't mind." he cood me and stroked my head softly.

"Rav...R-Rav....why me always???? why people leaves me always, am I that bad, at first William then Sam, then my parents...........I'm left all alone by myself."i didn't knew that i was crying horribly and wrapped my arms around Rav.

"I still wish that day, I should have stayed with him,so..........that it should have happened to both of us.I regret every second of my life. I should have listened to him and went with him. I have never spoken about him with anyone in these years." I kept on crying and he kept on striking my hair.I was feeling safe in his embrace.

He kissed my forehead many times, finally when I stopped crying he wiped my tears with his sleeves.He was looking sooo...handsome in blue shirt and his gray eyes and perfectly gelled hair, his perfectly cut jaws and toned body was making him more yummy. I internally shaked my head and pushed away my thoughts.

what are you doing he is your best friend  for God's sake.

" I'm sorry for ruining your shirt",
"really??? Sam are you kidding  me, it's just a shirt. You are more important" he tilted my head with his index finger and looked straight into my eyes, his eyes turned dark and pupils dilated and his expression became serious.He leaned forward. And my heart started beating faster, I have no idea what to do.
" Ummm.....R-Rav i think we should not plzzz.......-- i stuttered.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" a heavy voice shouted, and we both got startled. I looked in that direction where it was coming from.
Jake came in an angry manner, as if he has caught me taking drugs red handed.
And tightly gripped Rave's coller.
"You son of a bit*h what the hell you think you were doing, trying to kiss her without her permission,you pervert."

"Jake shut-up, leave Rav or other wise-"
"Otherwise what you will slap me sam" he was yelling like a caveman.
"Or let me guess it, you will go live on T.V for beating the shit out of him, tell me sam, COME ON ANSWER ME U GOD DAMM THING"

"Shut up jake, enough of your cursing, keep sam away from this fight & you have no right to speak to her in that tone, you are nothing to her." Rav tried to loosen himself from Jake.

But jake was stronger and trust me he was a bipolar guy,so.....when Jake adams is angry then juuust avoid him or you will end up in grave, he was more muscular than Rav(may be supplements) he was taller than Rav.Rav was 5'8 & jake was 6'2, and honestly I was a lilliput infront of them because I'm only 5.

They suddenly started fighting like two hulks, honestly i can pay 1000 for this MMA fighting, but as one of them was my childhood crush and the other one was my bff.I have to interrupt there infinity war, otherwise they will end up in hospital or jail.

"ENOUGH GUY'S......." I parted them which was the most difficult job and put one hand on Jake's chest & the other on Rave's and stand in between them.

"stop fighting like caveman, and what is your fucking problem Jake." i turned towards jake and i can see his lips were cut and it was bleeding.

juust wanted to kiss him on that spot.But, get a grip on yourself girl. I technically face palmmed myself.

I can see the anger and rage in his eyes, but he looked away from me and started laughing like a mad psycho.
" As if you have no idea what is my problem, really sam?? really?? I don't think that you are this much naive" still laughing and gestured towards me with his hands.

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