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"damn"i cursed under my breadth, please wakeup baby......
i will make sure to destroy that victor, he will never come near you,

it was almost midnight and i was lying beside her, i don't remember when i passed away. suddenly there was a movement and someone was touching my face.My eye's opened in shock, when i saw sam was awake and she was caressing my cheek.

"Hey,when??How?why didn't you wake me up-"i was babbling.
"sshhhh..........one question at a time,soo......i just woke up & saw you were sleeping beside me & i couldn't wake you up right away." she smiled faintly.

suddenly i realize what happend to her last night, my eye's widened when i saw her lips and the cut mark."what happened when you took him to the bathroom?why he hitted you?" i asked her sitting up on the headboard.
she sighed heavily, and her look was vulnerable, but why?? dose she loved him??that she is hurt?
"sooo....victor wanted to make progress in our relationship, i mean he wanted to kiss me and take it in a next level but I'm not ready, because i don't feel anything rather than friend and his male ego got hurt and he started to force me and we got into an heated argument and i slapped him and the rest you know." she looked away upon saying those things.The last part she mumbled.

"yup...the rest i know."i bobbed my head upon saying that.
"you need to take rest tweety",i caressed her cheeks and she gave me a fainted smile, there was something in her eye's i was unable to point out. "what is it??" i finally asked her.
"umm....jake please don't tell dad about this incident, please" she begged pleading was all in her innocent eyes.I heaved a sigh,"sam i don't know,I'm now confused i just don't want that victor guy near you.If he again touches even the tip of your finger i will kill him, trust me. Nobody is allowed to disrespect a woman sam no-one." she nodded her head.
"Ok,good night"she whispered.
I was about to leave her room when she again called me,"jake..."
i turned to get a look"hmmm???"
"how do you know that i was in trouble? ?"
"sam this is my house" i rephrased the last part. she nodded and within a swift motion she came near me and gave me a hug."Thanx jake, for doing all this it means a lot, "
and pecked on my cheeks, i got a lil off guard but she smiled and turn around to go towards the bed.when i grabbed her wrist and tucked her towards me and embraced her. I looked lovingly into her eye's "sam don't worry i will make sure that he will never come near you and he will be destroyed forever and don't ever thank me for these things you mean a lot to me.I will always protect you wether you like it or not." upon saying that i kissed her forehead which took her off guard now.And left the room because the attraction which i always feel when ever she is with me was maddening me.
sam's pov

He left without even looking at me. yes, his forehead kiss took me a lil off-guard,because only one person use to do that to me & that was sam."Damn, why he have to stir a feeling inside me?"
I kept staring at the grand door for a minute, then with a buzz i was back to reality.

Text message

Victoria:-Sam I'm really sry fr what vic has done to you....😢
I hope it dosn't change nythin btwen us.we r still frnds, i gues.

Victoria 22 missed call....

I was fuming at the thaught of victor suddenly.so, i switched off my phone and went back under my cover.

Next morning, was amazing the hot bubble shower,and the delicious smell of pancakes, my stomach grumbled.But some one have to ruin this moment, Becca called and she lectured me about not ruining my relationship with vic & i was like look who's talking!!!
I hungup her call and went to the breakfast table with a grumpy face and mood.
Jake was not there soo....thank god i was lucky that i will not have to face him.As soon as the breakfast arrived i attacked it like a hungry lioness.

"someone is hungry i guess,that they can't even wait for the rest of the people." somebody commented with a chuckle.
"shut-up" was all i managed to say with my stuffed face, without looking at him.
"and.... grumpyyyy....." he joined me on the table, "wow....wow...easy tiger, you will choke yourself, it's not running anywhere." i passed him a glare,and again concentrated on stuffing my face.He was looking at me without amusement i can sense his eye's on me, "sam??who was that??"

"whaaa....??" i asked with a frown on my face as i gulped my food with a glass of water without looking at him, and shrugged his question off.
"you know very well that what I'm asking you, i just don't want to know what they said but i want to know who is the person called or texted you??"
i just shaked my head and started eating rest of the food on my plate.
" you are forgetting i konw you whatever you do tweety and eating like this and avoiding my question and eye contact is just making it more prominent that someone pissed your mood.who was it?? Remember we daaat---"
i met his eye's with mine and looked at him bravely but casually and replied in all seriousness i had "no one called me and the sam you use to know is dead now and there is nothing common in between me and the old sam, soo...cut the crap" he shighed heavily and started eating his breakfast. After finishing both our food he suddenly said "hey sam let's have some fun today" excitement was all in his blue eyes.
"what sort of fun you are talking about??"
"just like i will show you around & i will also get some breather you know...." he shrugged.

"what do you say???plzzz....say yes plz......."he made a puppy face and pouty lips.
Damn cute man......how can be a man soo...charming & cute & rude the same time.
"i....ok......"was all i replied.
"YES..." he shouted and fist bumped in air.
"you made me sooo....happy sam. Really....." he was jumping on his place.

"ok.....i agreed that doesn't means that I'm going to be easy on you, if i didn't like it i will leave Asap, no arguments....ok???"
"hmm...huh....i bet you will beg for it...."he challenged me.
For a sec i was loving this side of jake my playful and fun loving jake and all those grumpy and nerdy jake was gone.......
He was the cutest element on the periodic table.

"I will just change ok.......& don't take much time babe"he said with a cute smile and winked at me.

"I don't take much time ohk".....i snapped at him.

"yeah....keep on saying that tweety....i know you too well."

I changed very quickly after taking a shower and came downstairs and to my surprise jake was wearing a black v-neck shirt and black denims, my eye's were feasting all over his physique.His toned biceps and triceps were prominent and his abs was to die for no doubt that girl's crawl towards him.
on the other hand i was wearing a blue jeans and a top with floral shrug.

"Awww......can't take your eye's away from me tweety???"
"Dream on Mr.Adams "i walked passed him.
"Hey....you really did changed a lot huh..." he said sarcastically
"well....so..r you"i rolled my eye's
"Me...not much.....well.....if i did also you seemed to like it...otherwise you would have ignored me."
"That's not true.."i folded my arms and faced him with glare.
He raised his hands in surrender
and smirked at me "sorry......if you don't like my compliment can we go now without wasting any time??"
I nodded my head and he touched my left arm and guided me to his car, it was a black convertible.
"you are driving??" i enquired.
He gave me a colgate smile.
"I hope you know the meaning of having FUN i emphasized the word" i looked over my shoulder.
He glared at me, and i smiled this time.

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