Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV:

"LAUREN WAKE UP!! Your gonna be late for school!" My mom yelled "I'm up!!" I yelled back. Today was my first day at my new school. Me and my mom just moved to North Carolina from Texas. I'm really excited because I'm gonna be going to the same school as HAYES GRIER!!! I'm also excited because my birthday is in a week!! I decided to get up and get ready for school. I wanted to make a good first impression so I decided to get dressed up. I put on a floral crop top and a black skater skirt. I put on light makeup and I put my long straight brown hair in a high ponytail. I slipped on my black vans, grabbed an apple and headed out the door for the bus. Luckily I only had to walk a block to my bus stop. When I got to the bus stop there were two boys and one girl standing there. The two boys were wearing football jerseys. I walked over to the girl and introduced myself. "Hi I'm Lauren!" I said. "Hey I'm Rebecca!" She was really pretty. She was tall and skinny and had long straight hair and light makeup. She was wearing a cyan blue crop top and a black skater skirt with sperrys. She seemed really nice. We talked for about 5 minutes and then the bus came. The bus was really crowded. Me and Rebecca sat together and talked the whole bus ride. We finally got to school and I had to go to the office and get my schedule. Rebecca walked with me to the office to get my schedule. "OMG!!" She said. "What?" I said "We're in all the same classes!" She said. "Yay!!" The bell rang which means it's time to head toward homeroom. Rebecca showed me to my locker which happened to be right next to hers. We got my books for the first class and walked to homeroom. We walked into homeroom and everyone stopped and stared at me. The teacher stood up and walked over to me. "Class this is our new student Lauren. She just moved here from Texas." I looked around the room as everyone was saying hi to me. One person caught my eye. HAYES GRIERS IN MY HOMEROOM!!! I was fangirling on the inside but I didn't want to freak out because I didn't want to look like a freak. I sat down next to Rebecca and listened to the morning announcements. Me and Rebecca made plans to stay after school and watch the football game together. I texted my mom and she said it was fine! Finally the bell rang and me and Becca walked to our first class. We had science first. As soon as we got into the room Becca ran up to some boy and jumped into his arms and gave him a huge hug. She walked over to me and pulled me over to him. "Lauren this is my boyfriend Jake!" "Hey! I'm Jake" "Hi I'm Lauren nice to meet you!" Becca went and sat with Jake so I decided to take a seer in the back. I looked over to the door and Hayes walked in. OMG HAYES IS IN MY SCIENCE CLASS! I was fangirling again! He sat right in front of me! The teacher came in and said to get with partners today. Hayes kept looking at me and as soon as the teacher said to find partners hayes yelled across the room, "I CALL LAUREN!!" I look at him and start blushing like crazy. Becca. Looks over at me and starts smiling and I burst out laughing and she did too. Everyone got with their partners and Hayes came over to me. "Hi I'm Hayes!" He said. "I'm Lauren!" We started doing our work and the time flew by really quickly! "What class do you have next?" Hayes asked me. "Social Studies" "Sameee" he said in a really weird voice. He walked me to my locker and it turned out his locker was right next to mine! We walked to social studies together and time flew by. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch!

Hey guys! Sorry it's so short! This is my first time writing a fanfic so sorry if it's not that good! I'll try and update everyday or every other day! Hope you guys like it! Comment and let me know! Love you all!

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