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AN: This story will be quite dark. There may be some triggers, so if you can't handle this sort of thing please don't read on. There will be mentions of things like death, suicide, sexual assault, rape, torture, graphic violence etc. I won't be putting individual warnings on each chapter because I feel like it's a spoiler for what is to happen. So consider this a warning for the entire story. If these things trouble you, this story is not for you.

Negan and his men were making their way through an industrial building looking for equipment to keep the Sanctuary running when they came across a bunch of men armed to the teeth. Of course Negan had tried to bargain with them, but the men were ruthless and they didn’t hesitate about opening fire on the Saviours. So Negan's  men took them out. Every last fucker.

"Jesus fucking Christ... I did not wanna kill anyone today" Negan growled. "Now look at my dirty girl" he grinned as he admired Lucille dripping with blood. "She's all wet" he chuckled. "Don't worry Baby... I'll get you cleaned up". Taking a rag from his pocket he wiped the blood from her smooth surface, prying bits of bone, brains and hair from the barbed wire. "Now that's better" he chuckled earning him a sideways look from his right hand man Simon.

"Gather up their weapons and search this place top to fucking bottom. Take anything of use" Negan instructed.

"You got it boss" Simon said as he ordered a bunch of men about.

Negan wandered around the main floor, picking up a few guns along the way before Simon reappeared from near the back of the building. "Boss!" He called out.

"Yeah?" Negan replied as he wandered towards him.

"You gotta come see this... it's. .. it's some really fucked up shit" Simon said as he shook his head.

Negan cocked his eyebrow with intrigue as he followed Simon down a narrow hall to a small room. "In there" he pointed.

"You not coming?" Negan questioned.

"You first" Simon replied.

He gave him a strange look before slowly walking into the room and the smell hit him like a tonne of bricks. "What the fuck Simon" he growled as he covered his nose and mouth with his red scarf as he tried hard not to vomit. "It smells worse than fucking death in here. If death could shit it's fucking pants... it would still smell better than this" he grumbled.

Simon shuffled in behind him and turned on large flashlight. He pointed it towards a corpse laid out on the floor, severely decomposed but no signs of life. It's hands were shackled and chained to the floor. Judging by the long dirty blonde hair and the scraps of clothes it was a woman once upon a time.

"This is pretty fucking sick" Negan told him.

"It gets worse" Simon replied as he moved the flashlight across to the other side of the room. On the floor sat a couple of buckets, teaming with flies. "Three guesses what's in those".

"Pretty sure I only need one fucking guess" Negan replied, trying hard not to dry reach.

As Simon moved his flashlight further down, there in the corner was a young woman... she can't have been much older than eighteen. She too was chained to the floor, her feet bound with multiple thick zip ties. Her clothes were practically non existent, just a dirty ragged pair of panties and scraps of what looked like an old tank top. A plethora of bruises cuts and scars could be seen on her skin beneath all the dirt, blood and grime. As Simon moved the light up towards her face she scrambled further into the corner, her dark hair messy and matted and her brown eyes wide with fear. She looked terrified, like a wild animal backed into a corner.

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