Father Figure

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A week had gone by and Avery still hadn't left the safety of Negan's room. She was terrified of anyone other than him, so it was a good thing that no one was ever allowed to enter his quarters. Occasionally he would have meetings with Simon in the living room next door but Avery always remained in the bedroom, locking herself in. Negan even had a second bed brought up to the room for her to sleep on since she insisted that she should give his bed back and take the couch instead of him.

Whenever Negan had to leave her by herself she would lock the doors tight and never answer them for anyone but him. He stayed around as much as he could and spent time getting to know Avery. They had built a mutual trust and talked a lot about their lives before the turn. Negan found himself telling her things that he had never told another living soul. Each day she became less timid and afraid and it gave him hope that maybe she would be okay. Although she was a very attractive woman, Negan had no sort of desire like that with her. It was completely new territory for him. He did however feel fiercely protective of her.

Negan had finally convinced her to let the doctor come and check her wrists. While he had done his best to redress the bandages, Negan was no doctor and he wanted to make sure that she was clear of any infection. Carson came to the room and Negan stood close by as he checked her over. He could see Avery visibly trembling as the doctor touched her. She was very uncomfortable with the situation and had it not been for her health he wouldn't have insisted she go through with it.

"All clear of infection. The wounds are healing nicely" Carson said as he moved away and gave her some space.

"Thank you Doc" Negan replied.

"Oh and uh... Alden was asking after her. He wanted to know how she was doing" Carson told him.

"Tell Alden she's on the mend. Taking things slow. Thank him again for me will ya".

"Yes Negan" Carson replied before he headed for the door. As Carson left Avery got up and rushed over to the door, locking it behind him.

"I'm sorry. I know you didn't fucking like that. But I didn’t want you getting an infection and I got no clue about that kinda shit. I'm no fucking doctor" Negan reasoned.

"It's okay. I understand".

"Good girl. I'm proud of you" Negan smiled, earning a little smile from her.

"Who's Alden?"

"He's a good kid. He gave you blood when you... when you um..."

"Slit my wrists?"

"Yeah... that" Negan winced, the picture of her lying in a pool of her own blood still very clear in his mind. Avery could sense his discomfort.

"It's sorry... that I did that".

"Don't be sorry Sweetheart. I'm sorry... I'm truly sorry for what ever happened to you to make you feel like that was your only way out" Negan replied. "Just please... if you ever have a thought like that again fucking tell me okay? I will do everything in my god damn power to help you. I promise".

"I will" she whispered softly.

Another two weeks passed by before Avery finally felt safe enough to venture out of Negan's room. She spent some time in the living room where her and Negan played board games.

When Simon had come in one day to update Negan on some of the recent additions to the Saviours, he hadn't expected her to be out there and Avery had practically lept over the couch and hidden behind Negan at the sudden unexpected visitor.

"You remember Simon?" Negan asked. "He was there the day we found you".

Avery nodded. "He pointed a gun at me" she said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Yeah he did... what an asshole" Negan teased Simon, not missing the small tug at the corner of Avery's lips.

"Sorry about that" Simon said as he raised his hands in surrender. "To be fair... you did bite Negan".

Avery looked to Negan and he just smiled at her. "Sorry about that" she said softly.

"All in the past Sweetheart. No fucking harm done. I want you to know that I trust this man with my life. And if ever I'm not here and you need something. Simon will help you... won't you Simon?" Negan asked.

"Absolutely" Simon agreed with a smile.

Even though she was wary of the man and she couldn't stand the furry caterpillar on his top lip that made him like a creepy pedophile, he seemed like a nice enough guy. And if Negan trusted him, then she felt that she should have some faith and get to know Simon a little.

"Wanna join us?" Avery asked Simon, and Negan looked at her in surprise as he smiled proudly. She slowly moved out from behind Negan and sat down next to him.

"Sure. What ya playing?"


"Alright cool. I was pretty good at scrabble" Simon said as he sat down on the other sofa, giving Avery plenty of space.

"Good luck Simon. She kicks my ass every time. Smart kid this one" he grinned proudly.

When Avery won the first game Simon wanted a rematch, claiming he had gone easy on her.

"Jukebox... on a double word score. Damn Simon! Looks like we got our asses handed to us again" Negan chuckled and for the first time he heard a small giggle escape Avery's lips and it was like music to his ears. All this time he had spent with her, trying to help her find at least a piece of the person she once was, and he could see that it was paying off. She laughed. For a brief moment she had forgotten all her pain and she was happy. And to Negan, that meant more than he could even say.

"Damn! You're right Negan. She's bloody good. Thanks for the ass whooping kid" Simon chuckled. "Maybe we can have a rematch sometime... after I've studied a dictionary" he teased.

"I'd still kick your ass" Avery quipped and Negan chuckled loudly.

"That's my girl!"

For the first time since everything had gone to shit Avery didn't feel quite so alone. Her bond with Negan had grown strong. He was like a father to her, and that was something she really needed after all she had endured.

I hope you all liked this chapter. Let me know your thoughts.

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