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Another month had gone by and Avery was starting to feel more at home at the Sanctuary. Slowly she had ventured out further into the compound, but always with Negan. If there was ever anything that made her uncomfortable he would take her right back to their quarters.

Avery had suffered from nightmares most nights. At first Negan would have to wake her up and reassure her that everything was okay. After a while just the sound of his voice was enough to calm her through the haze of sleep and he didn't have to wake her anymore. She always felt bad for waking him with her screams and cries, but he'd reassured her that he was a light sleeper anyway, often having dreams of his own.

Over the last month Avery had opened up a little about the things she had endured. He knew some of what she had been through, but not in great detail. He knew enough to know why she had been so untrusting of everyone, and he understood why she tried to kill herself when she first arrived.

Having her by his side had made him a better leader. Negan had his rules and his code, but Avery brought out his gentler side. Negan was more merciful with her around. Instead of bullying and threatening other groups into giving up half their stuff, Avery had helped Negan find some diplomacy. They were now successfully trading with a few other small communities and the Sanctuary was thriving.

Negan was doing the rounds of the Sanctuary, checking that everything was running smoothly. He had Avery by his side, and by now most of the group understood that she had become like a daughter to Negan.

They headed to the kitchen to grab some food when Negan bumped into someone who was just leaving.

"Sorry Sir" the young man spoke up. He looked to Avery and gave a small smile.

"No problem Alden" Negan replied.

"Alden?" Avery questioned.


"You're... you gave me blood?"

"That's me... Hi" he smiled as he held out his hand for her to shake and she took a nervous step back towards Negan.

"Sorry... I um..." she mumbled before she reached out and quickly shook his hand before pulling her hand back. "Thank you".

"You're welcome" he smiled. "Good to see you on your feet. I'll see you round? "

"Yeah....see ya" she replied softly, her cheeks turning pink.

They collected some food and took it back up to their living room to eat.

"So what do you think of Alden?" Negan probed, not missing the way she had blushed in his presence. He understood that she had a lot of trust issues, but it wouldn't hurt to sow the seeds of the idea of finding someone eventually.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a good kid... good looking" he suggested.

"Oh god. Are we having like a father daughter dating talk right now?" She laughed.

"I'm just saying..." Negan chuckled. "I think he's sweet on you".

"He's cute... but I'm not even close to ready for that" she said seriously.

"I understand Sweetheart. In your own time" he smiled. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay. Tired".

"You haven't been fucking sleeping well. You were crying out for Harper last night. You wanna talk about it? Getting it off your chest might help".

"I dunno... it's just so... raw still".

"I know Avery. But trust me, talking helps. When I told you about Lucille I felt so much better. I had kept that to myself for a fucking year and a half".

She swallowed her mouthful of food and took a deep breath. "You remember where you found me?" She said.

"Of course, like it was yesterday. Honestly I wish it was something I could un-fucking-see".

"Do you remember the body in the room... chained up".

"That was Harper?" He asked.

Avery nodded as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh Babygirl" he sighed as he wrapped her up in his arms and rubbed her back. "Let it all out Sweetheart... what happened Ave?"

"Harper and I were at school when it started. So we were together from the beginning. We made it to my house... we found my Papa... Dad was gone... he already got bitten. Papa took us to Harpers house but her parents... they were dead too. It all happened so fast. People were dying everywhere, and there were so many of those things" Avery explained.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart".

"From there we just got out of the city... bounced around. Found a group. Lost people. Found people... lost more people. You know how it goes" she explained.

"Sure do".

"It was just the three of us and another father and son when we came across this new group. We were out of ammo and they saved us from a bunch of walkers. They seemed normal at first. Nice... until..." she said, taking a deep shaky breath.

"Until what Sweetheart?"

"They spent a week gaining our trust, waiting for us to let our guard down. Then one night... while we were sleeping they killed my Papa... and they killed Geoff and his son Matt" she explained. "Next thing I know Harper and I were chained up in that room" she told him.

"Fuck... I'm so sorry Ave. That's fucking shitty".

"That's not the worst of it".

"Don't keep it in Sweetheart. That shit will eat away at you" he whispered softly.

"The men... they beat us... and raped us. I pleaded with them to leave Harper alone. If they had to do anything, to do it to me. She was only fifteen! But... they did it to us both. I promised her we would get through it together. We just had to switch off... go somewhere else in our heads while it happened. There was this one guy... who was really rough. I begged him not to touch Harper, but he wanted her. Last time he hurt her real bad, she couldn't face it again..."

"Fucking animals... what happened Avery?"

"She bit him... hard... you know, down there... she bit it off".

"She he bit off that fuckers dick?"


"That bastard deserved it" Negan growled.

"But... they killed her for it. T-they... they slit her throat... r-right in f-front of me. I watched her bleed out and I couldn't do a thing. They stabbed her brain so she wouldn't turned th-then they just left her there with me t-to rot" she sobbed. "They would drag me out whenever they wanted me... and lock me back in there with her after. They said it was a reminder of what would happen to me if I did anything stupid" Avery cried.

"Oh Sweetheart... I'm so fucking sorry. I can't even imagine how that fucking felt for you" he whispered as he held her tight.

Avery really had been through hell, he didn't blame her for being the way she was. It would take great strength to make it through something like that.

"How long ago was that?" Negan asked.

"Honestly I don't know. Probably a few months at least".

"Do you want to lay her to rest?"

Avery looked at him a little confused. "If you want to bury her, I will go back there and get her for you" he explained. He knew how important it had been for him to bury Lucille properly. The least he could do was give her the same opportunity.

"Would you do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you Avery. You're my girl. Blood or not, you're my daughter now and I will do anything to make you happy and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe" he smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you Negan".

"Of course Sweetheart"

So there we have it. Avery revealed what happened to her and Harper.
I gotta admit. I love Negan as a father! Almost as much as I love him as a seductive womanizing sex god! Lol.

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