Birds and the Bees

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Avery had been at the Sanctuary for a little over a year now and the place was thriving more than ever. They had strong ties with other large communities and they all traded with one another. With the Sanctuary being well armed with many men, they often provided protection and labour to the smaller less able bodied groups.

It took a little bit of convincing but Avery had agreed to talk to a psychiatrist from one of the other communities on a fortnightly basis. She had only agreed to it, if Negan also spoke with her, at least a few times to help him through the loss of Lucille. He'd refused at first, but at the end of the day he would do anything for his daughter. Even if that meant swallowing his own pride and sitting down to pour his heart out to a shrink. Sarah had helped Avery to process her grief, and deal with all the pain and anger she held inside. Day by day she was becoming stronger.

Negan and Avery were sitting down to breakfast one morning, and she was showing little interest in her food.

"Something up Ave?" Negan questioned.

"How do I let a guy know I like him?" She asked catching him off guard and he almost choked on his oatmeal.

"Well that depends on the guy...?"

"C'mon Dad... you know who".


"Who else would it be?" She laughed.

"It's obvious the guy likes you Sweetheart" he smiled. "And who wouldn't like you, you're fucking awesome".

"Thanks Dad but... I... I don't know how to talk to him. I always feel so awkward. And... well he's not gonna wait for ever. There's a lot of other girls around here that are prettier than me".

"Okay... first off, there is no girl around here prettier than you. You are beautiful Babygirl. Don't you ever doubt that. And second... if he can't wait for you. Then he doesn't deserve you, understand?"

"Yes Dad. But... I think I'm ready to... you know date. I'm too scared to say something to him. I don't even know what to say. I never had a boyfriend before all this" she sighed.

"Alright Ave, here's what I want you to do. Strike up a normal conversation with him. Laugh at his jokes, even if they aren't that funny. I know its not always easy but look in his eyes when he talks to you, flash him your pretty smile. If you feel up to it, touch his arm in a sweet kind of way when you talk to him. Guys dig that. If he asks if you wanna hang out or whatever then say yeah, you'd like that. Easy peasy lemon squeezy" he grinned.

"It's been almost a year since we started talking. What if he's lost interest?"

"Trust me Sweetheart, he hasn't. I've seen the way that boy looks at you. Like a love sick little puppy" he chuckled. "I know... it's the same fucking way I used to look at Lucille" he smiled fondly.

"I wish I could have met her Dad".

"Me too Ave. She would have loved you just as much as I do".

"Thanks for the pep talk. I'm gonna go practice shooting my bow" she smiled.

"Let me know how you go Sweetheart... you know chatting up Alden" Negan teased.

"Very funny" she quipped. "I'll let you know. Love you Dad" she smiled as she kissed his cheek before heading for the door.

"Love you millions kiddo" he smiled.

Avery was out in the yard shooting arrows at some targets when Alden came strolling over.

"You're getting real good with that" he complimented.

"Thanks Alden" she smiled sweetly. "What are you up to?" She asked, remembering Negan's advice about making conversation.

"Just got off guard duty" he told her. "Reckon you can get a bullseye?"

"I bet I can" she smiled confidently.

"Go on" Alden grinned.

Lifting her bow, she drew back an arrow. Taking a deep breath she slowly exhaled and let the arrow fly, landing it perfectly in the centre of the target.

"Wow. I'm gonna have to start calling you Hawkeye" he smiled and she gave him a funny look. "He's a character from-" he began before she cut him off.

"Marvel comics" she finished.

"Yeah!" He smiled. "You know Marvel?"

"And DC" she smiled. "My Papa had a huge collection. I read them all so many times as a kid".

"I knew there was a reason I liked you so much" Alden teased.

"You like me?" She asked.

"Yeah... I... I like you a lot" he smiled charmingly.

"I um... I like you too Alden" she smiled as she touched his arm lightly with her hand.

"Would you uh... would you like to watch a movie with me? I got a bunch of dvds on a run the other day and I have a TV in my room with a player" he suggested.

"Uh... yeah. I... I'd like that" she smiled shyly.

"Cool" he grinned. "Are you done with practice?"

"Yeah I'm finished".

"Alright... shall we?" He asked as he offered her his hand. She looked at it for a moment and hesitated ever so slightly. Despite her therapy and all the progress she had made, she still had that little bit of fear and doubt in the back of her mind. "You... you don't have to if you're not comfortable" he told her as he dropped his hand and gave her a cute smile, his eyes showed no judgement. Only understanding and acceptance.

"No no... I want to" she smiled shyly as she held out her hand making him grin.

"Awesome" he smiled as he took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers together. "Let's go choose a movie for our first date" he smiled. Avery couldn't help but smile back.

Negan looked on from the other end of the yard as Avery walked off with Alden hand in hand and he had never felt so proud in his life. His girl had her first boyfriend.

Awww you guys!!
I love Negan as a dad so much!!!
Hope you all liked this chapter
Much love.

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