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A week later Avery was out in the yard practising with her bow when Negan came over.

"Hey Dad" she smiled as she let loose and arrow hitting right in the middle of the target.

"Hey Ave. Great job kiddo. You're a fucking expert with that thing" he grinned proudly. "You got a minute?"

"Sure Dad. What's up?"

"Come with me kid. There's something I gotta show you" he smiled.

"Oh okay" she said as she followed him. Negan led her through the Sanctuary until they came to a door she had never been through before.

"Go ahead kiddo" he grinned as he gestured to the door.

Avery looked at him curiously, wondering what the hell he was up to. But of course she trusted Negan completely, and whatever was behind that door could only be something good.

She opened the door to see Alden standing there waiting for her. He had on a pair of black cargos and a navy blue button up shirt. Behind him was a small table set with two places and candles lit in the centre. There was soft music playing and she could smell something delicious.

"Alden? W-what is this?" Avery questioned with a smile.

"A date" he smiled. "The perfect date that you deserve".

"And... that's my cue. Catch you kids later" Negan smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"This is... amazing, Alden... you're so sweet".

"Take a seat" He smiled as he pulled out a chair for her.

Alden served them up plates of roast chicken with roast potatoes and fresh vegetables. Even complete with gravy!

"This smells incredible. How did you even get all this?"

"Traded with some of the other communities. I had a little help" he admitted.

"Let me guess... Dad?"

"Yup" Alden smiled.

They enjoyed their meal together, and in that perfect moment Avery forgot all about how the world had gone to shit. It was almost as if things were how they used to be. As they finished up their food music that Avery recognised began to flow through the speakers and Alden stood up, holding out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked with a smile making her giggle.

"Well... since you asked so nicely" she smiled as she took his hand and he pulled her out into the middle of the room. He held her close as they began to sway together, one hand on her lower back and the other holding her hand. Avery rest her head against his shoulder as the deep tones of Elvis Presley flowed through the speakers as if the man himself were back from the dead, serenading them.

'Wise men say,
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you.'

Avery felt happier than she had in a very long time. She never had the chance to go to her senior dance, so this moment with Alden was special. She smiled contently as he held her close, swaying to the music.

'Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you'

Alden softly kissed the top of her head as the song played, enjoying how relaxed and happy she seemed.

'Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand,
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you'

"Avery" Alden whispered as the song came to an end.


"The song... the lyrics, they are true".

"They are?"

"Yeah, I'm falling in love with you. We'll... past tense actually... fallen. I've fallen in love with you" he smiled sweetly.

"Alden... I have been through so much and I thought I would never be happy again but... You've shown me that I can learn to trust again. And... that I can fall in love too" she smiled.

He retrieved the ring the had been burning a hole in his pocket for the last couple of weeks, and dropping down on bended knee he held it out to her.

"Avery... I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you marry me?" He asked a little nervously.

"Alden... Oh my god... I... I'm s-speechless" she choked out as her eyes welled up with tears. She looked at the beautiful ring and it couldn't have been more perfect. "Yes".


"Yes... I would love to marry you" she grinned.

Alden wrapped her up in his arms and spun her around excitedly. "You have just made me the happiest man on the planet!" He exclaimed. "I love you".

"I love you too" she smiled as she placed a sweet kiss to his lips. "Oh my god... Dad is gonna be so excited about this" she laughed. "He likes you ya know".

"Well... I did ask him for his blessing" Alden chuckled.

"You did!? Awww".

"What can I say, I'm a traditional kind of guy".

"You are a sweetheart".

"And you are an angel" he grinned as he pecked her lips.

They spent a couple of hours together, slow dancing in each other's arms and cuddling on the sofa before Alden walked her to her room.

"So uh... when do you want to get married?" Avery asked a little shyly.

"Whenever you want Sweetheart. Negan knows a priest who can officiate it all" he grinned.

"Wow, you really planned this out huh?"

"Of course. So... I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely. Goodnight... fiancé" Avery smiled.

"Goodnight my love" Alden smiled as he kissed her softly before making his way down the hall giving her one last wave then he disappeared out of view.

"Oh my god" Avery giggled happily as she admired the beautiful ring on her finger.

She made her way next door to Negan's living room and knocked on his bedroom door. "Dad!?" She called out, but received no answer. She knocked once more and called out and still nothing so she opened the door and ventured in. "Dad!?"

"Just a sec!" Came his reply from the bathroom.

A few seconds later Negan emerged from the bathroom, his trousers low on his hips and his bare skin glistening with water droplets that trickled down through the fluff on his chest from his damp slicked back hair.

"Everything okay Ave?" He asked a worried tone in his voice.

"Everything is perfect" she smiled happily. "Alden proposed to me!" She exclaimed as she showed Negan her ring.

"Well look at that... it fits perfectly. Congratulations Sweetheart. You deserve all the happiness in the world" Negan smiled proudly as he hugged her. "You have come so far Ave. Words can't even describe how fucking proud of you I am. I can't believe my girl is getting married" he gushed. "I love you so fucking much kiddo"

"I love you too Dad" she smiled.

Ahhh guys.... so many fucking feels!!!
I hope you all loved the mushiness of this chapter.

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