My Girl

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"Dad!" Avery called out hurriedly as she entered the living room. "Dad are you here!?".

Negan emerged from his room, Lucille in hand like he was ready to beat someone's head in at the panicked sound in her voice.

"What is it Ave? You okay?" He asked, but when he saw her face she was grinning. And he realised it wasn't panic in her voice but excitement.

"I just had my first date!" She beamed. "Alden and I watched a movie together and... I held his hand!" She exclaimed.

Negan stepped closer and picked her up in a big bear hug, spinning her around. "I'm so fucking proud of you Sweetheart" he smiled.

"I did just what you said and it worked perfectly. Thanks Dad" she smiled.

"No problem kiddo. I just wanna see you happy" he grinned.

Another six months had passed by and Avery was doing better than ever. After four months of dating, her and Alden had even shared their first kiss. With everything that Avery had been through, the thought of an intimate relationship with Alden was very daunting. He had been nothing but respectful and patient with Avery and she loved that about him. She adored him and wanted to be able to have a normal relationship, but she struggled to push down that lingering fear.

Avery's relationship with Negan was a very honest and open one, and she talked to her father about everything. Even the uncomfortable topics. She decided to bring it up with Negan one afternoon while they were playing scrabble, which had become one of their favourite ways to spend time together.

"Hey Dad... can I ask you something?"

"Of course kiddo" he smiled as he finished placing his tiles down on the board.

"How will I know when I'm ready... you know to have sex?" She asked.

"Oh... shit kiddo. I dunno if I'm really fucking qualified to be answering this type of shit, but I'll do my best" he chuckled. "I think it's kinda different for gals than it is for guys you know but... I think if you love someone, and trust them, than that is the first step. But Sweetheart with what you have been through I think you, and only you will know when you are truly fucking ready for it" Negan told her.

"I think I am... I mean... I love Alden, but I'm just worried".

"What about Ave?"

"What if... after everything, I don't like sex. I can't expect Alden to stay with me if I don't ever want to be intimate".

"Oh Babygirl. I know you have been through some fucking awful shit. And those... animals. They were not men. What they did to you... was not only sick... but unfair and so damn wrong. They took something from you that cannot be taken back. And I am truly fucking sorry they did that" he said sadly.

"Thanks Dad" she smiled softly.

"I want you to know Sweetheart that the real thing. Making love... it's nothing like what you experienced. When you are with someone you love, and they care about you, they make sure that it feels incredible. Done right, it can be a pleasure like you have never known before" Negan told her. "Alden is a good kid. I'm sure he wouldn't pressure you into anything that you aren't ready for. If he ever did.... I would beat him to death with Lucille" Negan chuckled. "Have you talked to him about it? Does he know what you've been through?"

"Yeah, he does. I was honest with him about everything. I just worry that if... you know I don't 'put out' he will lose interest" she sighed.

"I wouldn't worry Sweetheart. That boy loves you Ave. A blind man could see it. You don't have to do anything until you are ready okay. Don't feel like you have to live up to any sort of expectations. If Alden knows what you have been through, he will understand why you need to take things fucking slow okay. I promise you, everything will work out fine Ave. Trust me".

Avery wrapped her arms around Negan and gave him a hug. "You always know how to make me feel better Dad" she smiled. "Thank you".

"I'm always here for you kiddo" he grinned. "Love you millions Ave".

A few days later Negan was out in the yard debriefing with Simon who had just returned from a trade run. He spotted Alden helping to unload one of the trucks and decided to have a chat with him.

"Hey Kid" Negan smiled as he clapped him on the back.

"Oh hi Sir" Alden smiled.

"No need for that kid, just call me Negan" he grinned.

"Sure Negan. What's up?"

"I thought it was about time you and I had a talk..." he began ominously and he could see Alden gulp like he knew what was coming.

"Okay... yeah".

"Take a seat Alden" Negan said as he gestured to the nearby steps where he sat down next to the young man.

"Look... I know your a good guy, and I have no problem with you dating my little girl" Negan smiled fondly. "But..." he paused.


"But you are a young male... and I know exactly what kind of shit is going on in your mind" Negan chuckled.

"I promise you Negan... I'm not like that. I mean sure... I'm a guy and I think about it. But, I know what Avery has been through and I would never pressure her into anything" Alden said seriously.

"That's good Son. Look just between you and I... I think she just needs some time okay. She loves you Kid. And if you treat her right, I'm sure the two of you will be very fucking happy together" Negan smiled.

"Thank you Negan. I will treat your daughter right".

"You better... because if you don't, I will not hesitate to beat you to death with my bare fucking hands you understand? If you ever do anything to hurt her... I will make you fucking suffer... horribly" Negan warned very seriously. "Avery tells me everything. If I ever hear that you are pressuring her, or you ever 'jump the fence' looking for somewhere else to stuck your dick I swear to fucking god I will cut the damn thing off and feed it to walkers. Are we clear?"

"Absolutely crystal clear Negan. I wouldn't dream of ever hurting Avery. I love her".

"Glad to hear it" Negan said as he stood up and slung Lucille over his shoulder.

"Actually Negan... there was something I wanted to ask you" Alden said as he stood up.

"What's that?"

"I um... I wanna ask Avery to marry me" he said nervously. "It would mean a lot to me if I had her father's blessing".

"To wanna marry my daughter?"

"Yes Negan" he said as he stood tall and tried his best to portray confidence. Even though in front of Negan he hardly felt it.

"You're a good man Alden. You helped save her life when she first arrived. You have been nothing but kind and understanding with her. I'd be proud to have you and a son in law" Negan smiled as he pulled him in to a very unexpected man hug. "You have my blessing Alden. Anything you need to make this work, you let me know. My daughter deserves only the best" he smiled.

"Well, I already have the perfect ring" Alden grinned proudly as he pulled it from his pocket to show Negan.

"Well, I already have the perfect ring" Alden grinned proudly as he pulled it from his pocket to show Negan

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"Good work kid. She will love it" he smiled.

Ahhh... I ship Avery and Alden so hard!
Hope you all liked this chapter.

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