Close Shave

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On the floor lay the broken razor, it's blades removed, now lying in the floor amidst a pool of blood. Her body limp with no sign of movement and her skin pale. Blood seeped from the slashes up her wrists, turning the once white tiled floor a sickening shade of red.

He had to try hard not to vomit at the sight before him, bile rising up in his throat. "God no!" Negan cried out as he rushed to her side. Grabbing up two hand towels he tied them tightly around her wrists to try and slow the blood flow. He lifted her lifeless body up off the floor and took off like a bat outta hell towards Dr Carson's office.

"Doc! Where the fuck are you!?" Negan screamed as he barreled through the door.

"I'm here- what the hell happened?" The doctor asked as he rushed to help Negan lay her down on the bed.

"She... she tried to kill herself" Negan said sadly.

Carson checked for a pulse. "She's alive but her pulse is weak. She's lost a lot of blood. We need to get her more or she won't make it" he explained. "I need to mend her wrists and quickly".

"What can I do to help?" Negan asked, the panic and fear evident in his voice.

"I need a universal blood donor. Two people if you can find them. And I need another set of hands. Jenny from the kitchen has assisted on occasion".

"I'm on it" Negan said as he headed for the door. "Do not let her die or your ass will be getting the fucking iron you hear?"

"Yes Negan" he said as he unwrapped one of her wrists to check the damage.

Negan bowled through the door of the kitchen, breathless and panting, multiple sets of eyes on him. His white shirt stained red with blood, patches smeared on his face and hands too.

"Jenny!" He barked.

"Y-yes Negan?" A small and timid woman spoke up.

"Carson needs you now! Haul ass!" He commanded.

"Yes sir" she replied as she dropped what she was doing and took off.

"Boss what's going on?" Simon asked as he appeared by his side.

"The new girl she... she tried to kill herself. I need blood donors. Find me a couple of people that are O negative" Negan ordered.

"Right away" Simon replied, knowing better than to question why Negan wanted to waste resources saving someone who wanted to die. He began asking around as quick as he could.

Negan made his way to the main floor and stood by the railing. "Everybody listen up!" He boomed. "I need someone with O negative blood right now!" He yelled, but nobody moved. "You will be rewarded for your fucking help! A young woman's life is on the fucking line here!" He added.

A young man stepped forward. "I'm O neg" he said.

"Good. Get your ass up here and come with me son!" Negan replied.

When he finally made it back to Carson's room the doctor had sewn up one of the young girls wrists and was hard at work on the other.

"Doc. We have blood" Negan said as he rushed in.

"Just a sec, I'm almost done here" he said as he finished stitching. "Right. Come here kid" Carson said as he prepped needles and tubes and began a blood transfusion.

"What's your name kid?" Negan asked.


"Thank you Alden" Negan said as he grasped his shoulder.

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"We don't know yet. A fucking lot though. Too fucking much evidently. We saved her and brought her here. But she tried to take her own life" Negan explained.

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