Friends and Enemies

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True to his word Negan had gone back to the place he had found Avery and he retrieved Harpers body. It was not pretty and he threw up in the process, but he did it for her. Wrapping Harper up in large blanket he took her body back to the Sanctuary where together with Avery they laid her to rest. After that day things seemed to slowly change for Avery, she was a little more at peace and she didn't carry around quite so much guilt.

Another six months had passed by and Avery had been making huge progress. Her nightmares had lessened, although she still had them, it wasn't every night. She now slept in a room by herself next to Negan's. At first he was hesitant to let her out of his sight, he wanted to protect her. But she had been determined that she was ready, and they had installed extra locks on her door. The room was like bloody Fort Knox! No one was getting in if she didn't want them to.

Negan had begun teaching Avery how to protect herself. Training her with both guns and knives. He even let her have a swing with Lucille every now and then. The kid was a natural. He wanted to be sure that if anything ever happened she would be able to protect herself if he couldn't. Her favourite weapon was a compound bow, and she was an amazing shot with it.

She had started talking to a few of the other young women at the Sanctuary, and Negan was pleased to see her trying to connect with people. He knew how difficult it was for her to trust anyone after what she had been through. But every day she made him proud with just how far she had come.

Avery had even began talking with Alden. Not much more than friendly chit chat and a little harmless flirtation in passing, but it was something. It was hope that those men... those fucking sadistic animals hadn't ruined her chance at finding some sort of happiness. Negan hoped that she would get to experience the love that he'd once had with Lucille. All he wanted for Avery was for her to be safe and happy.

As Negan and Avery were doing the rounds through the Sanctuary, they came across a guy hassling one of the women in a dimly lit corridor.

"The fuck is going on here!" Negan boomed.

The man jumped in surprise as he backed away from the clearly shaken young woman. Avery looked at the man, it was that same shifty looking fucker with the creepy smile that she had seen when she first arrived. Something about him just didn't sit right with her.

"B-boss..." he stuttered out. "Nothing, just explaining the rules to this young woman" he lied.

"Really? Coz that ain't what it fucking looked like David" he growled. "Maybe I need to explain the rules to you huh?" Negan asked as he began berating the man.

Avery grabbed the young woman's hand and pulled her aside. "Are you okay?" She whispered and the young woman shook her head in response. "Did he hurt you?"

"Not this time" She mumbled.

"This time? He's hurt you before?" Avery asked.


"Did he rape you?" She questioned and the young woman nodded as tears welled up in her eyes.

Something snapped within Avery and she was overcome with anger. With all her force Avery rushed at David tackling him to the ground. She began to hit him as hard as she could, landing punch after punch against his creepy fucking face before Negan's strong arms pulled her off.

"Avery... what the hell Sweetheart?" He asked.

"He's a rapist Negan! He's a sick fucking rapist!" She exclaimed. Negan looked from Avery to the young woman and she confirmed with a small nod.

"Oh... David. What the fuck have you done?" Negan growled angrily.

"I- I didn't touch her... I s-swear" he stuttered out.

"Now you see Rapey Davey... I don't fucking believe you! I do not... and will not ever tolerate that kind of shit around here!" Negan boomed as he emphasized his words with a point of the man's direction. "Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn't rip off your obviously empty nutsack and shove it so far down your fucking throat that you fucking choke to death on it!" He said as he stomped his foot and did his signature dip that always just seemed to come so naturally when threatening people.

"I...-" he began before Negan abruptly cut him off.

"There is no good reason!" He yelled. "Lucille will deal to you!" He said as he raised his barbed wire covered bat.

"Please Negan..." David sobbed like a little bitch.

"Nope! I will shut that shit down!" Negan yelled as Lucille connected with Rapey Davey's head sending him slumping to the ground, the blow hard enough to kill him instantly. The young woman thanked Negan and scurried away.

Negan pulled out his radio and called to Fat Joseph to tidy up the mess and put the now dead Rapey Davey to work on the fence.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Avery. I never wanted you to see this fucking side of me" Negan told her.

"It's okay. You don't have to hide it. We all have darkness inside. You did what was right. He didn't deserve to live" Avery said.

"Thank you Sweetheart. All I ever want is to keep you safe. I can't have men like that here" Negan said.

"I know Dad" she whispered as she hugged him.


"Sorry... it just slipped out".

"It's okay Sweetheart. I like it" he chuckled. "I love you Ave".

"I love you too Dad" she smiled.

Oh man... the feels!! Hope you all liked this chapter.
Thanks for all the love and support.

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