chapter 17 : I'm into guys

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I know it's been long I updated, I've been busy preparing for my exams. I also had writer's block. This chapter was written without editing so if they are any errors, it has not been edited. Just notifying y'all before reading tho.

Ever since the day I and Belinda met each other, she hasn't stopped calling me to ask of my welfare, and how I was coping, we hung out a lot and she was constantly preparing me food and stocking them in my refrigerator, she's always insisting that I have to eat well cause I'm getting skinny, which I'm not. I noticed alot about Belinda these few weeks we became Friends, things I never noticed when we were married.

I noticed how she glows whenever she has the opportunity to tell a story, I noticed how beautiful she is, I noticed all her features which I never did notice before. I noticed how she has perfect set of white teeth and how smart she talks, she's very mature and very industrious, she is attractive any guy will be attracted to her, but I am not attracted to her in that way tho, let be clear I'M INTO GUYS.

We hang out alot and she even sleeps over most times, on the same bed, she smiles more and I feel she is very comfortable with me, she told me about her crushes, all the heartbreak she went through, she also told me how she got pregnant in her first year of university and aborted it, funny enough I am the only one she has told about this no one else knows, it is our little secret. When she told me that, I came to the realization that I am much more important to her than I think.

We were going to the movies today, this was the only Thursday that I had a free time since I and Belinda became close, so she grabbed the opportunity and insisted that we went out. Belinda worked most times on weekends, she recently started her own event planning, although she was patterning with one organisation but she was doing a great job altogether.

I came out of the bathroom as I stood in front of the mirror running my hands through my beards which appears to have grown beyond the level I liked it, it looked kinda bushy and tattered, I took my shaving cream, and after applying it, I had a clean shave, it was so smooth that I felt like running my hand through my jaw all day long.

I had put on my trousers and I was about to put on my shirt when Belinda came in, she had the key to my house so she stopped by anytime she needed to rest even when I was not around, so I was actually not surprised when she barged in with smiles all over her face, she called my name as she approached my bedroom, I was buttoning up my shirt when she walked in a gave me a hug, she helped me button up my shirt completely then the put her hands on my jaw feeling how smooth my jaw was
" you shaved up real nice Freddy".

I chuckled at the nickname she recently started calling me, she was looking very hot in her dress, she wore a gown that clung to her body perfectly and brought out her amazing shape, truth be told Belinda was very attractive and amazing if I was into ladies I would definitely go for her.
I walked down to the cinema with Belinda cause it was not that far from where I stayed and people kept looking at us, as we walked through, Belinda held on the my hand as she leaned closer to me while walking, If I was looking from a third person's view I would look at us both as truly amazing couple, I was 6"2 and Belinda was on the shorter side 5"4, and that was a very attractive match compared to most people.

I knew I and Belinda were just really good friends, and I considered her more of a sister, I know she knew that too, or did she?. A friend of mine at work, my secretary which I had also gotten close to told me that despite me being gay, with the way I was hanging out with Belinda and with all the interest she's giving me, there's a possibility she'll start having feelings, but I shoved it off, of course she knew I was gay.

We walked in the cinema, and we proceeded to the counter where we would purchase movie tickets, snacks and soft drinks. We took the slip as we looked at movies that were showing at the time, well this was one pm and the next movie will be starting by 1:30pm, it was a romantic movie Belinda picked, although it was odd that it was showing at that time, but I didn't mind, as long as she liked it, it was okay by me.

As soon as we purchased our tickets and all that we wanted, we proceeded to leave when I saw someone I never expected to see, I froze when I saw victor standing in front of me, with another dude.

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