chapter 24: i broke him

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Belinda's POV


It's weird it really is, he's the only one that calls me Bella, when fred started calling me Bella, I wasn't really okay with it, it reminded me if him, him, he's actually in front of me what do I do?, I can't run away from him, not again, not like I did before.
I stood, looking, looking like a fool

"Belinda?" He asked again this time calling my full name

That cut me out of the trance I was having " J-.... J-...James?" I asked like I was still trying to be sure if it was him.

Immediately he pulls me into a warm hug, and I realised, I miss him, I miss him so much, more than I'm supposed to, immediately I pull back

"James?" I wanted to be sure

"Bella it's me, how have you been?" He says smiling.

Don't he remember, our last encounter wasn't really the best way to part, he isn't supposed to be all merry towards me.

"F-..fine?, I'm fine?" I replied still unsure.

"Are you okay Bella?" He asked a bit concerned.

Okay I'm actually being dramatic, it's James, James is in front of me!, James the one person I wanted, maybe still want, is he still single?, I had been so rude to him, I was such a fool, what if he's married?, I have to put myself together.

"I'm fine Jay, like I'm still shocked is this really you?" I replied a little more confident this time.

"  bella I really missed you, you look really good, I saw nneoma in porthacourt last year, I asked her of you..." He said, stopping as his face drops

"How is he?"

I knew it, he had not forgotten about what I told him the last time we saw

"Babe what do you mean that we can't work anymore, did I do something wrong" James asked looking as confused as ever

" See Jay, I don't want to have anything to do with you again, can you just let me be, just leave my life, this relationship isn't working"

"Why?!" He shouted clearly getting frustrated

"James see, I've just been tolerating you, I never wanted to be in this stupid relationship, we aren't fit for each other we are so different, I just wanted you to just follow the crowd, to have the title, this relationship means nothing to me" I said toning down my voice in the last sentence

James stepped forward grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him

" Bella, please, what did I do to you?, Please Bella don't do this, I don't know why you're doing this, you know I love you, you know how much I've Risked for us, how much I've changed certain areas of my life because of you, you made me a better person Bella, we were okay, we didn't even fight at all, what is this about Bella?, Please tell me this is a joke or a prank" he said tears forming in his eyes

He wouldn't make me change my mind, there's nothing I could do about this

"See! James this is clearly not a joke, can you please let me be and stop bugging me life, I don't want to be with you!, I don't love you! Just please leave me alone James, how again do you want me to tell you this, it's over James, it really is, I have someone, someone else" I said trying not to cry, praying he didn't hear the last few words I said.

" Bella you can't just wake up and start Telling me it's over please" he said with pleading eyes already filled with tears ready to fall.

I said nothing my throat was already clogged any other word I'm sure I would burst into tears, he saw my vulnerability and pulled me close

"Bella look at me, look it's me your Jay, look at me closely, look directly into my heart and tell me you don't love me anymore" he said staring directly into my eyes.

I can't do it, I can't, but I have to, she has already forced me to do this, she always had her way,

I looked at him without blinking " I don't love you james" immediately I said that I turned around swiftly and ran to my car crying, I left him, I left the one I loved,
I could see him from my car rear mirror as I drove off, he was broken. I broke him, I broke James chinedu Ikeh. I broke the man I love.

" He's doing fine" I said the memory of the last time we had met, only thinking of it tore me apart while Looking at him, I suddenly became worried, is he okay?, I needed to be sure

" Are you okay?" I asked

"Well, what can we do?, I'll be going now, have a nice day, send my regards to your hus-, him" he said quickly as he walked past me hurriedly

I think I saw a pan of hurt across his face as he passed by, I feel torn, I miss him, I know I made a mistake, but I'm just realizing that it's him I love, it's James I love, my heart wanted to use fred as a rebound, it was impossible because no one could mend my heart, no one but James.

With that I cancelled my meeting with Fred, I had to think, I had to go back to see where I went wrong, I knew it I was the one at fault, I've always been.

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What the hell is going on in this story!!!
Where is fred and victor, what's up with them!😥
I pray this doesn't turn tragic

I'm joking😁 spoilers

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