11: Fire

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They tie mom and I up and put us in a car which eventually lead to a plane and later on landed and if Im not mistaken, we are now in Miami.

They put mom and I in separate rooms.

I am currently strapped in a chair in a hot room.

I was sitting in darkness and silence until the door opened and Killian walks in and shut the door. He gets a chair and sits in in front of me.

"How was he able to keep you a secret for so long? Must be tiring. I mean if I was 13...I wouldn't want to be stuck in the shadows and can't be seen." He says but I don't say anything.

"Uh well I guess it for the best." He says. "I wonder how your dad would feel if I...turned..you...like me." He says and his face glows almost like there is a flame inside of his body. I still say nothing and his face goes back to its regular color.

He rolls his eyes at me at pulls out a needle from a table that was across the room.

He injects it into me and I scream from the top of my lungs. I have never felt this way before. It was a burning occurring over and over again in my body.

"You're young..." He says putting the needle back and grabbing a small blade. "Which means it will stop soon and you will soon become like me." He says smiling. He uses the blade and cuts my shoulder and my thigh.

"Now that is just for decor." He says smiling and throwing the blade across the room. He rips me from the chair and we walk down and around the building.

We walk into a room and see Maya and my dad. But before we could walk in, he wraps clothe around my mouth and head not allowing me to talk.

"Alexis...." Dad says as we walk into the room.

Killian starts to talk and ramble on why he is doing this but dad can't take his eyes off of me

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Killian starts to talk and ramble on why he is doing this but dad can't take his eyes off of me.

"Ugh and you're not even paying attention." He says to dad and he is still looking at me. Killian pulls out a hologram and it shows mom going through the same pain I was.

"She will soon be just like you." He says pinching my check.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Dad yells to him and Killian smirks a me

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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Dad yells to him and Killian smirks a me. He grabs a handful of my shirt and walks me towards my dad. I was too weak to even hold my head up so Killian uses his free hand to grip me by the neck and face my dad.

My skin starts to burn again and I scream out in pain and I see tears in his eyes.

Killian laughs and pulls me away and we walk out of the room. We walks me to the room that mom is in.

I look at her and see that her skin is glowing but not as bright as it originally was.

Killian puts me onto the second chair in the room and straps me in.

Two bodyguards come into the room and stand on either side of me.

"Ok, watch them but mainly the little one...she is more developed than the rest." Killian say and he gets in my face and looks me in the eye.

"You will be my greatest accomplishment." He says smiling at me and he walks out the room and closet the door.

" He says smiling at me and he walks out the room and closet the door

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"Alexis..." I hear my mom call me but I can't answer. Im too weak.

"Alexis...everything will be ok. Just hang on dad will get us out." She says and I smile at her positivity. Soon enough I black out.

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