CHAPTER 14: "The Journey Forward & First Impressions"

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I was thankful that we had finally reached our destination of Cookham. I couldn't wait to relax for a bit and give my ass a much-needed respite from the saddle of my horse. I now only needed to figure out how best to make myself useful to my new lord Uhtred. I wondered what role he would have me fill? Personal guard? Blacksmith? I felt I was equally suited for either role; but, uncertainty as to my future with him in Cookham still lingered heavy in the air.

The town of Cookham itself was small and quaint- and it reminded me much of my old village...except for the fact that it was much larger than my village had been and much more bustling. It was nice, homey even...but it was a place I had a lot of trouble picturing our lord Uhtred in. The nature of Cookham seemed to be the exact opposite to the nature of the warrior I had been traveling with. One was calm, one was peaceful...settled even...and the other...well, not so much. Cookham was all the things that I couldn't for the life of me picture Uhtred as being. I found it rather perplexing to be honest the juxtaposition between this town that lay before me and my new lord.


Uhtred had rushed off the second we had arrived- as did Osferth and father Beocca; which left me alone atop my mount with both Sihtric and Finan.

"Well...they were in a hurry, weren't they?" I remark.

"Aye, business to see to I imagine."

"Yes, and they managed to leave us with the task of tending to their horses as well." Sihtric states- rather annoyed.

I leap off of my horse and my feet hit the hard, solid ground of Cookham below me. We had been riding for hours and I was so happy to finally be off my horse that mentally I was kissing the ground beneath me.

"I'm just happy that we're finally here."

Finan smiles and heads over to a small fruit stand near to us and the stables. "Got no taste for the road 'eh Wren?"

He smirks and takes a bite of an apple that he's picked up from the stand behind him. The old woman who runs the stall shoots daggers at him. Finan rolls his eyes and flicks a coin at the woman- she catches the coin and sighs, rolling her eyes at Finan in kind.

"I know it wasn't a terribly long journey, but I haven't exactly been used to traveling lately." I say- defending myself.

Sihtric rolls his eyes. "Yes, used to the simple life of a village no?" He states rather matter of fact-like.

Sihtric tends to his horse and starts to lead the others to the stables near the main gates. "I think you'll find Wren that now that you're oathbound there will be nothing simple about your life anymore..."

Finan almost chokes on a piece of apple. "Uhtred made her oathbound?"

"Yes. Last night." Sihtric replies.

The men both look at men- seemingly awaiting a confirmation.

"Yes...I suppose he did. Why is that a problem?"

Finan laughs and shakes his head- a smug little grin pulling onto his face. "Nah, no problem...just usually our lord's not so quick to take on...ahhh, well new recruits let's say."

"What the hell that's supposed to mean?" I question.

Finan grins. "Nothin' lass...really."


Sihtric rolls his eyes and finishes up with the last of the horses. "I'll meet you at the tavern Finan. Dealing with you lot is thirsty make me feel as if I'm a nursemaid."

"Oi, mate! 'Ya owe me a bloody pint don't 'ya forget 'ya cheap fuckin' bastard."

Sihtric chuckles and turns to ignore the Celt. "Wren, I hope you will join us later for a proper welcoming."

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