Chapter 3 " P-please d-dont!"

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CAUTION! She gets raped in this chapter so if you want you can skip to the next their will be a litle recap on top.

I'm woken up by a loud bang coming from down the hall,

Shit, shit, shit!  what if somones coming for me?

Than I hear it; the door squreching open. I start shaking uncntrollably, their he is my new master.

He smirks at me, and grabs me by the hair dragging me to my feet I cant help letting out a litle screech as he rips out some of my hair. He laugh's than says " You are beautyful my pet....You know I almost baught you last time but the fat italien beat me to it." I look up into his eye's and try to hide my fear by the look on his face I'm failing terribly. I mumble " What do you want?...Master." He smirks and says "I know you know what i want but i'm not here for that I'm here to let you know the house rules. One Never ever try to escape or you will be punished to the point of death, two never talk back you will be hit, three ever try to get away when i want you'll be burned own your left shoulder...So pretty much try anything stupid and their will be consiciounses." I look away from his beautyful eye's...God why does he have to be so hot? I feel his arm wrap around me pulling me closser to him, I try to look away but he puts his finger under my chin and pull's my face up to his so I'm looking him in the eye's than he kisses me. Hard.

I feel like I should bite but i dont instead I just dont kiss back.

He pull's away smilling " And if your good you'll get rewards like a bed or...what do you enjoy?" I blink back tear's thinking about it I say  " I like horses sir. and the collor neon green i love vanilla ice cream." He smiles a full hearted smile, I hate it, " I like Horses to." he says happily.

He smells my hair still holding me and says into it " Whats your real name?" His question shock's me barely any of my master's has asked me that...I really dont want to tell him but he's pulled his face away from my hair and anger is entering his eye's so I anwser quickly " Teyana Master." He smiles at me gently.

He asks me " How old are you?" I really do have to think of that its been so long " I think I'm fourteen...Master." He smirks at me and says " One of my youngest."

He lets go of me and smiles " Know Teyana one of my men will bring you some cloth change into them as soon as you can.'' I look at him and bow my head slightly. Why did he call me by my name? they alwas call me African Beauty.

I cant help but fall to the ground and weep he scares me so much Ive never been this scared since i was first baught at five....I was so innocent.

No I got to pull myself together. I cant let him countrol me he can have my body, He can have my name but he will never have my soul.

I was sitting on the ground in the midle of my cell when He came one of his guards the man didn't say anything he just droped a bag at my feet and left, I look through it and pull out a lacy bra and thong and a lacy house coat. He told me to change quckly so I do than the same guard comes and takes me away...No i just got here he wouldnt? I start to panick.

Than I'm dragged into the mansion, draged up a fleet of stairs and to the right thrown into a room, I land on my knee's and look up quickly no one's in here.

I stand up and look around the room's decor is all black hard wood and his wall's are a tan type color, than i hear a humph from behind me I turn on my heel's, My master standing their he smiles and nods appreciatly than says " Get in my bed." I feel my eye's start to water and say quickly " B-but mas-master I-I just got h-here." He smirks and points in the dirrection of the bed i walk over slowly as he undress's. Oh lord please no.

He jumps into bed pulling me onto his lap and stradles my hips pulling my underwear off than ripping off my bra, i try to beat his chest with my hands and than he grunts and grabs my hands holding them above my head i go to scream but he cover's my mouth and tsk's me. Than he pin's me under him and starts, I go limp and try to find my happy place but then he slaps me and force me to pay attention well he goes up and down my hips are dragged up.

I start to weep gently...Why me? Than he starts doing some really nasty stuff ive never done and i cant help but cry out " P-Please DONT!" Rage enter's his eye " What were the rules!!!!!!!!?" I feel somthing come down hard on the back of my neck and like before I'm knocked uncounsiouse.

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