Chapter 11 Brotherly love

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Teyana Pov

I open my eye's slowly, were am I? I wonder for a second before remebering what happened, I sit up almost falling off the bed.

I wip my head from side to side looking to see if anyones their,

'' Huh, You just had to try and escape?'' I look straight at the door were James is leaning on the frame.

My lip starts to quiver but I stop it, I have to be strong.

'' Can you really blame me? '' I state coolly.

He shakes his head in disgust before walking over to the bed and sitting beside me,

'' TELL ME YOU DONT FEEL WHAT I Do!!!?? TELL ME YOU DONT WANT TO KISS ME THE WAY I WANT tO KISS YOU!? Tell me you dont feel the pull I do?'' He mumbles the last part the rage leaving him.

I dont know what I feel, '' No sir I dont.'' He looks up at me hurt in his beautiful eye's but soon its replaced by anger.

He stands up and grabs a fist full of my hair dragging me to my feet, I let out a scream of pain when some rips out.

He throws me on the ground and IU scramble to get up but he pushe's me back down, I go to crawl away when a burst of pain errupts through my ribs, ''AHH!'' He pulls back his leg again and kicks me in the stumach.

I curl up in a ball tears staining my face, He leans down and turns me on my back before sitting on my stumach and hitting me in the face, than chest, stumach, face again.

The pain is incredible it hurts so bad but its starting to go fuzy, I barely feel it anymore.

Jacob Pov

I wake to a scream comming from the mansion, I get up and go to see the mess I'll have to clean up.


I step into the room the screams are comming from, I peek in through the corner, James is ontop of a girl beating the shit out of her, her head turn's to me and I realise who it is, Teyana.

I stand their for a minute than I'm ten again and watching as my father beats Teyana, I cant help it she's so small I rush in and takle James off her.

'' YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY LITLE SISTER!!!!!!!'' I half snarl half scream at him.

He looks at me shoked '' Your sister?'' he mumbles before smilling and standing ''Of course how didnt I see it before, same shade of skin, same mouth, same nows, but your eye's are so diferent.''

I look at him shoked as I see the rage leave his eye's being replaced by the insanity that was in his father's.

''S-sir I'm sorry I didnt mean to do that, I-I was out of place please forgive me.'' I say before bowing respectfully.

He smirks and says '' Take this bloody mess out of here and call my brother tell him his favorite pet is hurt.'' I bow before doing as I'm told.

I rush to Teyana's side scooping her up in my arm's.


I walk with Teyana curled up in my arm's to her sell, I look down to see her bewitching staring up at me, even tho her face is covered in blood they still shine.

'' J-J-Ja-Jacob'' she mutter's I look at her and think of all dad's told me a snear soon finds its way to my face '' Dont talk witch, What I did meant nothing.'' I snarl at her.

She look's up at me pittyfully before closing her eye's.

Soon very soon she will be my father's again, than no one will be able to save her, not even me....


What if I want to save her...

No she's a witch...

Or is she?

James Pov

I smile evilly to myself, If Michael really thinks I'm so much like dad, this will shock him I'll show him I'm much worse.

'' WERE IS SHE JAMES!?!!'' I hear Mi8chael snarl as he slams the door open, I stand twirling my the whiskey in my cup.

'' Welcome home brother.'' He stares at me disgusted.

'' Were is she James'?'' He looks dead set on killing me, tsk tsk naugghty boy.

'' This way bro.'' He follows behind mumbleling about how I'm a fucked up basterd.


'' Here we are.'' I say opening the door to Teyana's sell.

He rushes by me to the bloody pulp on the ground, he lands on his knees beside her.

'' Its ok Teyana I'm here, I'll fix you up.'' He says to her sothingly.

He turns to me '' WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!?'' He snarls at me.

I smirk '' Showed her what happen's when she tries to run away.''

'' You are a basterd.'' He says before turning to start working on her.

I walk over to him and rip him to his feet '' Uh uh uh, You want to help her you gotta help me first'', I say pinning him to the wall behind us.

'GET OFF ME!'' He yells trying to squirm under me but I'm twice as strong as him.

'' SHUT UP!'' I snap, he closes his mouth and looks dagger's at me.

I smile and play with his hair '' You can help her if you kiss me first.'' His eye's open in shock.

'NO! YPU DONt EVEN SWING THAT WAY!'' He screams, I smirk.

'' I do know, now if you dont want her to die kiss me, hard.''

He looks so scared, just like he did when dad would touch him. I was always the strong one he thinks dad only did that to him he's wrong, he did it to me to.

He starts to cry but leans forward trembling under me and presses our lips together, I open his mouth and snake my tougue in and search it. I pull back and he start to sob.

I rufle his hair '' Se that wasnt to bad!'' I say cheerfuly.

He looks at his feet '' Go take care of her know'' He nods and walks towards her.

Finaly I'm in charge again.

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