Chapter two: Two thousand going once, going twice...Sold!

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  • Dedicated to Sohappyicoulddie

I slowly return to consciousness, one of those twins or Victor must have hit me pretty hard, my head is still throbbing from the blow. Last thing I remember is talking to that fat piece of garbage...Oh yeah I'm being sold again, shit. Well, at least I’ll be away from Victor finally.

I slowly force my eyes open "ugh!" I grunt the light frigging hurts! I shut my eyes quickly. Ok you can do this I think to myself so I open my eyes again slowly, ok it doesn't hurt as bad know, I slowly look from side to side " Shit " I mumble to myself as I realise I'm in a holding cell; its were they put us before they dress us up and sell us in front of a huge crowd.

I sit up slowly in the bed they put me on and I notice a pile of golden fabric at the foot of ‘my’ bed. I crawl over to it, sit down and I pick it up, and I notice a small note that falls to the ground as I lift the fabric. I bend down to pick up and I unfold it, it reads Dear African Beauty, we would enjoy it if you’d dress yourself...or we will tell someone to dress you. You’re beloved Ring Master.

I look at the pile of fabric and assume it’s the dress the note spoke of, if you could even call it that. The dress first of all, is see-through. And it hangs off barely at my thighs, but either way, I have to put it on. So I stand up and get a little bit light headed as I do. I shrug off the night gown that I’ve been wearing for two days now and pull the golden dress over my head. I look in the full body mirror and make a face. I can see my black lacy underwear clearly underneath.

 Suddenly, I hear a sharp little ring which means its time for the auction, it makes me feel no better then cattle as a ugly and burly man grabs me rudely from behind and drags me out towards the auctioning ring. I’m shoved in.

The announcer calls to the crowd "This young thing is known as The African Beauty and for all of you out there who like a challenge; this is the girl for you! In that she hasn’t broke yet!" I stair down at the crowed from the stage I stand awkwardly on and see that interest has sparked in so many eyes...its scary.

The announcer booms proudly “Lets start the bidding at two hundred, can I see a two hundred? Yes! Know five hundred? Excellent, excellent! Do I see a nine hundred? Fantastic! Are you all going to let him take this beauty for only nine hundred!? A thousand! A thousand and a half? Come on! You can do better than that! Come on two thousand! Do I see a two thousand? YES two thousand!" He pauses to take a breath “Two thousand going once, going twice...Sold to the man in charge of all this, the RING MASTER!" I look into the crowd instantly and spot him. The one whom I’ve hated for so long, the man who started this retarded game, the ring master...looks nothing like I imagined he would. I always thought he would look horrendous, but no. He has curly brown hair, green eyes like a cat and he looks really strong...shit! How am I getting myself out of this?

The announcer pushes me off the stage and I fall on my knee's and look up the ring master grins happyly at me and then I'm being pushed out of the ring and dragged to the parking lot.

After being forced into a car and driven to the outskirts of town, we finally arrive at a mansion and waiting right outside the door is the Ring Master, who drove here in another car.

I step out of the car keeping my eyes on the ground before I'm pushed forward by a hulking guard and forced to stand right in front of him. I hear him snicker as he puts his hand under my chin and forces me to look up. I consider looking away but decide against being a coward  and I try to stare him in the eyes even though he's at least six one, witch makes it kind of difficult. I do well for a bout ten seconds before my fear takes over and I start to sob. He smiles wickedly and says “Well I guess you won’t be as hard to break as I thought." I look at him as tears stream down my face and say “Just because I cry doesn’t mean I'm any less strong." He glares at me I can tell he's pissed so I go to look away and out of nowhere his hand comes up and he slaps me across the face so hard that I see stars for a second, more tears form in the corner of my eyes and he starts shouting at his ‘Hench men’ as I’ve decided to call them "Get her the hell out of my sight!!" then he storms off.

After he’s gone inside his house and slammed the door, the Hench men rush me to the barn and as soon as those doors open I gasp. There are dozens of crying girls chained to the wall! I stare wide eyed with fear as we pass girl after girl.

We keep moving as if nothing happened until we reach the end, were they shove me into a dark room with no lights or windows, just darkness. They leave me, slamming the door behind them as they walk out and I hear the jiggling of keys that mean I’m looked in.

I curl up into a ball in the middle of the room, sobbing, thinking about all those pour girls just outside that door, what’s going to happen to me?

If you guys wouldn’t mind  some commenting and telling me what you think so far! I'd really appreciate it.......I LOVE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO SAYS CRAZY WHITE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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