Chapter 6 a love for pain

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"huh!" I gasp as I try to lay on my side.

So much pain, their's nothing but pain.

" Oh god." it hurt's so bad, five slash's not that bad i had thought, but the barb's dug into my skin ripping out chunks every time he pulled the wip back.

Pain, its unbearable is all I think before passing out.


" Get up!" I hear a man yell before kicking me in the rib's with his steel toe boot's.

 He pull's back his leg again, somehow I manage to get up on my hand's and knee's before he kick's me. He smirks and grabs my arm pulling me to my feet, " huh!" I gasp as the pain courses through my back I let a whimper escape my lip's and he smiles before pushing me forward, I don't try to fight I'm to sore.

Were about mid way down the hall when he decides I'm going to slow, He lay's his hand on my bare back and push's me forward, I hit the ground and here my scabs rip open, I cry out from the pain.

He smiles and pick's me off the ground roughly,  I don't even care that all I'm wearing is booty shorts and a black bra, my shirt was torn to shreds and had fallen off during the whipping. He holds me like a baby and I cant help but curl up to his chest, just to pretend that I'm safe.

When we finally get inside the house he carry's me to the dinning room, James is standing their with a man who is holding a medical kit.

The guard lay's me down on the table stomach first, I don't even try to fight it hurts to much to breath as it is. The doctorish looking man walks up to me a warming smile on his face. James is watching intently from the corner, The doctor pull's out a syringe and bottle of some sort of liquid when James say's " No, don't give her any pain killer's" The doc looks to him and just nods putting the syringe away I whimper.

James smile's happily before coming over " See Teyana, their's always two stages to my punishment's in your case I'm not allowing any pain killer's and since you need at least 50 stitche's this is going to be about as pain full as the whipping." I shrink away as he put's his hand on the table close to my face on the table. I fell the doc's hand on my back before a needle dig's into my skin I start to try to crawl away as quickly as I can but before I even move an inch the guard that carried me here pin's my led's and James pin's my arm's and head to the table, I try to arch my back but James slap's me across the face.

I look up to him begging with my eye's he just smirks leaning down and pressing his lip's to mine his tongue snake's into my mouth, I get so mad i bite his tongue, he rip's his face away pissed off.

He gives me an evil look before placing both my wrist's in his right hand, he smirk's leaning over me and places his thumb on one of my deeper wound's and digs his thumb in it, a scream of pain come's out of my mouth he smiles and push's even harder, I scream even louder he smiles even wider as he pull's his thumb out of the cut. " Why do you like it so much?" I look to him tear's streaming down my cheek because of the needle that's constantly going through my skin " Wh-what d-do you m-mean?" He smile's stroking my hair " Pain you seem to enjoy it?" I look to him and a whimper escape's my mouth as the needle hits the tender part of one of my slash mark's. " I-I d-ont." He smiles " Than why do you always force it on yourself?" I start to get mad, Am I forcing him to do this to me? Hell NO!

" Fuck you! Do i force you to hurt me?! I think not!" His eye's glow with an undeniable lust as a bad grin come's to his mouth '' Oh, but you do, its the only way to make you squirm and I love to watch woman squirm." I give him a disgusted look and turn my head, the momentum of the fight gone as I start to weep from the pain.

I was brought back to my cell after he was done stitching me up, I cant help but wonder what the hell did his parents did to him to create such a monster.

I hear foot steps coming down the hall and press myself even further into the corner Ive been hiding in and curl up in a ball ignoring the searing pain coming from my back.

The door open's slowly and the doctor is standing their, " Poor thing, I wonder what goes through my brother's head when he does this to you." I look up at him my eye's shooting dagger's " Why the hell do you care?" I snap at him and he just shakes his head sadly. " I'm sorry, I wanted to give you the pain killer really bad but he said I couldn't." I glare st him before giving him the finger. What ever happened to free will?

He stand's their a few more minut's before leaving. I shake my head in disgust how old is James anyway eighteen nineteen?

I sit in my corner for another hour before more foot step's come down the hall the door open's slowly and I stand I don't want James to think I'm weak.

He stare's at me and I return it with a glare, he smirk's and walk's toward me I stand my ground, He smiles an inch away from me and rubs his thump down my cheek, I look at him with disgust " How old are you?'' I sneer at him. He smiles " Twenty, your fourteen right?'' I stare him down and yell at him " Damn straight you pedophile!" he glare's at me and slaps me across the face not even thinking I slap him. Realising my mistake to late.

His head went to the side, he look's back at me and smiles a deadly smile " You really like it don't you?" I give him a slow look " What? " He smiles at me " The pain."

My eye's go wide while he push's me roughly against the wall, smashing our lips together and for a minute I kiss him back till I hear him moan in pleasure before making my lip's stop moving, a low growl come's out of his throat. He kisses me up my neck and whisper's in my ear " Kiss me back, or else" His lips slam hungrily against mine but I refuse to kiss him back another growl come's from his throat before pinning his body against mine. My back hurts like hell. He start's rubing his hard against my lower region before whispering in my ear " Kiss me back or I swear to god I'll have you right here on the floor." I moan from the pain in my back before he slam's his lip's against mine my mouth part's to let his tongue into my mouth he search's my mouth eagerly as I move my lip's with his. He's leaning over me since he's like sixfoot two. Sudenly I feel his hand's snake around my hip's lifting me so my leg's are wraped around his waist, I get caught in the moment and my arm's around his neck and grab a handfull of hair.

His hands are wraped around my waist as he moan's in pleasure, I take my hand out of his hair realising what i was doing. He put's me down and pull's his lip's away from mine, he look's at me confused before leaving and locking the door. I slump to the ground, What the hell just happened?! How did he do that Ive never kissed anyone like that or gotten lost in it like that it felt like I wasn't incharge of my own body.

I find my finger's lingering at my lip's, how did he do that? What did he do to me? I sart to cry softly to myself " Why did I do that?"

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