Chapter 10 The great escape

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Teyana Pov

I pace my sell, that's it I'm done, I know for a fact that if I dont escape soon I might not have the will to.

Theirs foot steps coming from down the hall, its proabably Jacob...

"NO!" I yell to myself I know he's unsavable.

The lock starts to turn, I wait, I'll be good for know.

Jacob steps into my sell and closes the door behind him, wait what?

" You are beautiful Teyana." He says as he walks closser to me.

My heart starts to race " J-Jacob dont. J-James w-will be mad." I try to say in a strong voice but fail.

He smiles wickedly " Oh? but havn't you heard I'm his favorite employe. I'm allowed to play with all the murchandise." He grabs my arm's and pull me to him.

" Jacob t-think about this, dont please." I start to cry as he pull's me closser to him.

He starts to kisss up my neck, a moan coming from his mouth, and for the first time in years I snap.

I pull away from him and punch him in the face, he grabs his knoes and howls in pain.

I make a mad dash for the door, slamming my body against it, it fly's open and I almost fall flat on my face, but i find a way to keep my ballace and I sprint for it.

I hear girls crying for me to help them, to get them out, but I dont its a hard truth but its the rules of the Jungle here.

The strong survive.

I push myself even further down the hall running as fast as I can.

I see the huge door's to the barn and foot ball takle my way out of them, I hear Jacob's roars of rage, but I dont stop I cant stop.

I sprint through the grass towards the house, god the driveway is just on the other side.

I push myself till I hear him, his voice stops me in my track's. I look up at the balcolnie and their he is,


I dont know why but I cant move anymore as he stares down at me.

Why cant he just let me run?

" TEYANA!!!!!!" I turn my head backwards and stare at Jacob running at me full blast and I'm shoked out of my daze and take off again.

I sprint full blown down the driveway, the gravel hurting the souls of my feet, i push myself further their it is, the gate to freedom.

I'm so close than he catches up, I feel the air rush out of my lungs as Jacob takles me to the ground and lays spralled over me.

I cant catch my breath, it hurts so bad.

He smiles down at me blood trailling down his face from his noes. " You are never getting away."

He gets off but I just lay their, a tear goes down my cheek,

" I was so closse."

He just brakes out laughing.

James Pov

" NO! Michael I AM NOT GETTING RID OF ANY OF MY GIRLS!! KNOW Get YOUR ASS HOMe BEFORE I FUCKING DRAG IT BAKE!!!" I scream into the mouth piece of my cell.

" No." He states firmly " Your not incharge of me so no."

I grip the railling of the balcony " Michael if you dont come home in the next twenty four  hours you will never be welcome here again." I hiss into the phone.

I hear him sob before he says " Bye brother." and hangs up.

" SON OF A BITCH!!" I yell at the sky before falling back into my chair.

Of course he left me they always leave me.

But my girls never do and I'll never et them.

I hear the doors to my barn swing open and turn my head in that dirrection, a litle girl is running out.

Wait? " Teyana" I mutter before standing up and walking to the rail " Teyana!" I yell at her she stops and looks up at me and their it is again, that feeling and I cant drag my eye's away she's so beautiful, her eye's are so beautiful. I cant pull away.

" TEYANA!!!!!" I wip my head to the side to see a very angry Jacob run right for her, I look back but she's already tooken off.

" crap" I mutter. Before jogging out of my room.


I stare from the door way at the cryng girl in my driveway, my poor African Beauty.

For a minute I almost hoped she would make it but than what would happen to me?

Jacob's standing over her laughing, I cant take it so I storm over to thm and push Jacob to the side he stands respectfully instantly. I pick her up in  my arms and she curls up in a ball instantly.

I walk into my house and bring her to one of my many spare rooms and lay her down on a bed,

" My pore pore Beauty." I snear before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.


I near to myself before my bad boy grin comes to my lips " Of course she will be punished for this." I state to no one in particullar.

Jacobs Pov

She frigging hit me!

I grumble as I walk to my room.

I have every right to do this to her she ruined out family with her witch eye's.

" That bitch!" I snear into the miror as I look at my broken noes, I suck in a harsh breath as I cracck it back into place.

For some reason tho it makes me want her more.

Know I know why dad kicked her out.

Unlike him tho I wont hold back I will have her than kill her.

Its what should of happened.

I pull out my phone and dial in my father's number.

" Hey dad. " I hear screaming in the background " Yes Jacob?" I wonder who's screaming " Uhh?Is their a change in I plans?" I hear him laugh " A matter of fact yes. You are to buy her or steal her and bring her home." I open my mouth in shock " BUT DAD! SHES THE REASON OUR FAMILY IS BROKEN!"  I hear him take in a pissed breath " YOU WILL NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN AND OUR FAMILY WILL ALWAYS BE BROKEN IF SHE'S GONE!!! UNDERSTAND?!?!?"

I look to the ground defeated " Yes sir" is all I have time to mutter before the line die's.

I plop down on my bed, he's seems so insane but he's always right, alway.

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