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"Alright, so which one of you hoes boyfriend's did it?" Janet asked, getting straight to the point

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"Alright, so which one of you hoes boyfriend's did it?" Janet asked, getting straight to the point. Kimberly and Nicole sat in their seats, confused. They both wasn't sure what they were talking about. Jada was also lost but, only there for support.

"You trippin'." Kimberly spoke, sitting back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I'm confused..." Nicole added.

"Pac got jumped the other night and I'm asking you two because you're with Sean and you're with Chris." Janet replied.

"Hey, now! I'm not with Sean. I have sex with him when needed. We're fuck buddies, we don't really talk about nothin'. His sex is good too. And that di—"

"Nicole, shut it." Jada spoke, disgusted.

"Why you think we know somethin'? Them niggas barely tell me anything." Kimberly began to get defensive. She did know something but, she wasn't any snitch.

"Kim, stop frontin'. They tell you everything, where the drugs goin', how much money they makin'. You have to know something." Janet said, her eyes filled with hope that she knew something.

"If I did know, I wouldn't tell you! You! or You!" Kim pointed to every girl in the room, "I ain't no snitch bitch." Kim crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. "I say how about you go to the source."

"How about I keep asking the person who arranged it?" Janet challenged, raising in an eyebrow with a devious smirk on her face. Kim flared her nostrils as she got more and more annoyed.

"If you really think I'd send them out to jump Pac because of your actions, you're delusional. Why do that when I can just jump you myself with a few of my homegirls from 'round the way? Would you prefer that?" Kim questioned. Janet didn't say a word, she felt defeated. There was no more to say after that statement. She was right but, something still felt off.

"Aight then. Like I said, check your sources." Kim got up with her Chanel purse, strutting her ghetto fabulous, prissy self out of the room and out the front door.

Nicole and Jada were left there awkwardly. No words were exchanged, Janet was trying to figure out a way to secretly go to Sean and Chris. They could only be one place.

Chaz's Home

"Damn, why did I agree to come here with you?" Nicole fearfully said looking at the door in the back alley from the backseat. It was late night so it was dark and scary, just like it was when she came here the first time.

"Oh, stop being a sissy. It's not that scary once you stay here for a little while." Janet spoke looking at the house as well. They hadn't gotten out of the car yet, only waited for when the time was right and they weren't so scared.

"I don't think this a good idea. I mean, going behind Pac's back like this? It's bad, he hates this."Jada spoke, looking at the house freaked out.

"I'm helping him. He told me not to tell the police but, these dudes deserve to go to jail."

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