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Janet walked into his hospital room. She crossed her arms around herself to try and stay comforted. As she entered, Afeni rubbed her back as Janet's eyes stayed fixed on Tupac's limp body. Tubes and all kinds of medical objects were hooked up to him.

Janet never imagined she'd see him this way. Hooked up, unconscious. The monitor was still beeping, signs that he was still breathing. This brought back memories of Wayne but, Wayne had a chance to live. Tupac, on the other hand, may not.

She looked down at his body, up and down. She grabbed his hand, which was cold. Lifeless. Janet could just feel he didn't have long to live. She felt it in her spirit. Now, the dream she had earlier all made sense. This was her last chance...

"Hi... it's me. Janet, J... square," She started talking. She then began smiling, reminiscing, "You know, I remember when we first met... we were high as a kite that day." She giggles through the pain. She then sniffed, "I knew from that day, we'd be close. I'm glad that I got to meet you and be with you. We moved so fast but, I'm glad we did. Funny how time flies, huh?" She chuckled dryly.

She examined him once more and her face went firm happiness from reminiscing to sadness of the present, "I hoped it'd never end. It probably would've have ended. I hope this doesn't end out chapter. I'm praying you'd come back to me."

She swallowed a big lump in her throat. Janet caressed the back of his hand. The beeping of the monitor made her nervous. "I love you so much. I wanted to marry you, I did. And I remember how much you wanted a child and well, you got one. I was gonna tell you earlier but..."

Once again, the beeping from the monitor her nervous. It began moving at a steadier pace, "I wanted to name him or her after you like we discussed before... I just... I can't do this alone." She finally broke down and cried harder than what she was at the moment.

She almost fell to her knees until Afeni held up back up. She was still holding on tight to his hand. All of a sudden, his hand starts to grip on to Janet's. Janet's big, brown eyes looked up in disbelief at his hand moving and gripping hers.

"What does this mean?" Janet looked at Afeni with the same expression.

"He heard you, your voice." She spoke in disbelief as well.

"Please, wake up. Come back to me, please. Please."

Janet came back home for the night, although she didn't want to be alone but, Afeni thought it was a good idea for her to get rest.

Janet walked all around her bedroom, exploring parts that she's already seen just to get her mind off the situation at hand. Eventually, she found herself looking through her drawers. In her shirt drawer, she came across a folded paper. With her non-crippled hand, she picked it up out of the drawer and opened the letter. It was written in Tupac's hand writing. It dated 9/3/96.

You know I love you and I'd do anything to protect you. I couldn't find a way to tell you in person. I think we need time apart. It isn't anything personal, time apart will only keep you safe and me safe. The ring I bought you, I need it too. This is only to protect us both. But, I will always love you. I'm sorry for our arguments, I don't ever mean anything I say. I'm just going through a tough time. You and my mother are the only important women in my life, I don't wanna loose you. I hope you find letter sooner or later. I love you.

Janet wiped a tear that was traveling down her cheeks. She placed the letter back in the drawer. She's just remembered the CD he given her was still in her radio. She walked over to her bedside where the radio was, turning it on, after pressing play.

Once more, Janet began crying. She couldn't get her thoughts together. It was like he was right there, telling her to keep her head up. She was slowly shutting down. She couldn't sleep eat or anything. She didn't want to hear his voice from a record, she wanted him there, holding her, telling her it was alright.

Janet ran and got her journal that she draws in and writes in. At the moment, she was writing tonight. At the moment she was pouring her heart out. Between writing and phone calls from family members and her friends, the emotions were too much for her.

After an hour, the moment she stood up, she passed out, back on the bed.

"Janet... Janet..." The deep voice from earlier that day appeared again. Janet's eyes blinked open and she saw the white cloud once again. Standing there, once again was Wayne, the angel.

"Wayne... W-Wayne, why am I here again?" Janet questioned looking around and standing.

"It's good news... you don't have to worry about a thing." Wayne spoke with a smile on his face, "It's all over."

"What's all over? What do you mean?" Janet panicked. Wayne walked over to Janet and began stroking her face. Janet looking into his eyes, hers being glossy.

"Beautiful life. Beautiful family. Beautiful wife." Wayne spoke, choppy. It still don't make sense to her, "No need to worry or cry anymore." Wayne then kissed her on the lips once more.

The phone rang waking Janet right up from her being unconscious. She held her chest to try and regulate her breathing. Being unconscious or sleep recently had been so surreal.

Janet leaned over and picked up the phone. "Hello?" She weakly spoke.

"Hey Janet, you alright?" Afeni spoke on the other line. Janet sighed.

"Yeah, I am."

"Well the doctor came in and he told me that... um..."

Janet broke down into tears when she heard the news. She could fathom the words that just came from the other line. It was too much for her to handle.

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