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After work, Nicole and Janet went to Jada's house. Janet didn't feel safe at home so, they decided to meet at Jada's house today. They were having their usual girl time with each other but, was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door.

From their conversation, they'd gotten quiet. Jada wasn't expecting anyone else. For some moments, the sat in silence before the knock got aggressive. Once again, they didn't get up. Jada didn't live in the suburbs like Janet. She lived in the hood so, it was no telling who it was but, she knew protocol when the knock got aggressive.

"Get under the table." Jada instructed, whispering beginning to do so.

"Why? Who—" Nicole began to speak loudly. Janet and Jada both shushed her.

"Just do it!" Jada whisper-yelled. The three began to slip under the white, marble, circular dining table.

Immediately after gunshots were heard as well as glass shattering. The girls squealed and covered their ears tightly, scooting closer together. This went on for a few seconds before it stopped.

"You've been warned bitches!" A male voice yelled from outside into the now shattered window. It sounded like a couple men walking off the porch and car doors being opened.

Jada snuck out the table first and slowly walked to He door with tears in her eyes. Janet, in the middle of a mini panic attack, and Nicole followed behind.

Jada opened the door and saw a note on the ground,


"Who the hell is Queen Bitch?" Jada questioned, rereading the message to decipher it.

"Kim. It's her 'Street Name'." Nicole answered, rolling her eyes.

While they spoke, Janet looked up at the guys in the car only to make eye contact with the one in the passengers seat. It was Tupac. 

Immediately after they locked eyes, the car drove off. Janet was livid. She chose not the tell the girls as they were already trying to figure out the note and the big reason why Kim told them they were 'warned'.

"So, it was Kim? Kim would be a suspect?" Officer Perez questioned.

"No!" Officer Gordon and Janet both said at the same time. "This is only leading up to when you should started bringing in someone else for question." Janet finished. 

"Who might that be?" 

"Sean Combs."

"Continue the story and we'll see." Perez intertwined his hands, leaning in forward.

Later on that night, Janet was alone at home thinking about earlier. When she saw Tupac in the car, she couldn't help but, be beyond livid. She'd never thought he'd go as far as going along with them to help put her, Jada, and Nicole, his friends and girlfriend, in danger. 

Janet hesitantly got up from her bed to go to the door downstairs after she'd heard a knock on her door. Before she left her room, she grabbed her wooden bat from underneath her bed. She put it up and slowly walked  down to the door. Her grip got tighter around the handle as she approached the door closer. She lifted the sheet covering the window on the door. Janet sucked her teeth and proceeded to open the door. 

"Hey, Jan. What's up with the bat?" Tupac questioned, chuckling.

"What do you want Pac?" Janet said, annoyed. He was confused at her attitude at the moment. But, it hit him.

"Baby, if this is about earlier, I--"  

"You, nothing. Why would you agree to something like that?"  Janet asked walking away from the door as he let himself in.

"I didn't want to do it. I didn't but, Big and Chaz, they forced me to. They wouldn't have paid me and they would've k--"

"Really? So, it's money over me? You're friends? They would've killed us!" Janet exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"It's not like that, baby. I tried, I tried to tell them no. But, I wouldn't be standing here in front of you." Tupac explained. Janet dropped her head low, frowning. "And the money I'm getting from it was for a good cause."

"What's the cause?" Janet look up into his eyes. He took a step forward, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed on her forehead before proceeding to speak.

"I love you. I know we've known each other for a short time but, I'm In love with you. And it took me sometime, more like a week, to figure out I'm ready to marry you."  Tupac spoke, stroking her face. Janet smirked, so hard, she was hurting the apples of her cheeks.

"Fine, where's my ring?" She questioned. He stepped back, dug into his pocket and brought out a black box. 

"Janet Jackson, will you marry me?" He asked, opening up the box revealing a diamond ring with a big rock.

"With that there, of course I will!"

"I never imagined to be proposed that way but, it was meaningful. Anytime Pac said anything, I knew he meant it. But, after we got engaged, everything kind of just went downhill."

"How so?" Perez questioned, writing down his key points.

"Distant, lots of arguments. I'd be days when we didn't communicate at all but, he'd talk to Jada or Nicole, though. And he'd spend much more time with Big and Sean. For what reason, I'm not sure. You'd have to bring in Mr. Combs like I said."

"But, let's not dismiss Janet. We'll have them in here together." Gordon spoke.

"Fine, let's bring him in."

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