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six years later

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six years later...

Janet sat down by the creek. This was the same creek she had her very first kiss with Tupac. As she stared at the water, same blanket around her, listening, she began to reminisce about the times she spent with him.

Getting high, at the creek, in the car, at the house. The one thing she could never ever forget, no matter where she went, was his smile, his laughter. The light he brings into a room, the happiness he's brought her. Not forgetting, the joy they've brought to the world. Their, now, six year old daughter, Leanne, who has been a light and even more happiness.

But, one thing that keeps occurring in her memories is that night Tupac was shot. It was most definitely the most stressful and tragic night of her life. She wished it was only a nightmare that would soon wash away but, it was real. She hated that the blood shed, the police interrogation, him in the hospital, the phone call was all real. It could never be erased. Now and forever, her number one priority is to keep her daughter safe away from it all.

Kim was arrested. She turned herself in due to the guilt. She still cared so much for Janet still, even after their argument. She was forced to shoot Tupac by Chaz but, she wasn't going to snitch. Kim shot the gun, she's taking full responsibility. It was only right. Janet visit Kim in jail once to get a better understanding. They didn't so much make up but, Janet had a better understanding in why.

At the moment, Janet's been trying to keep herself busy. Between taking Leanne to school, building up her salon, and still working in a lounge doing music, her mind has been occupied. Except for when it came to times like these when it was quiet, peaceful, and used for thinking.

Janet was at peace. Happy woman, with a good career, a good child, and.... an amazing husband.

Janet blanked out of her thoughts and couldn't help but notice the laugher coming from her daughter behind her. Janet turned around, moving a braid out her vision and watched as Leanne interacted with Tupac so well. A smirk appeared on her face letting them have their fun. Janet turned back around to the waves smiling from ear to ear, mentally thanking God that he kept him. 

Eventually, Tupac came and took a seat next to her. Leanne day on the other side. Janet snuggled Leanne close to her and looked back out to the creek. "Something bothering you?" Tupac asked. Janet looked up into his eyes. His eyes were just so beautiful, down to his eyelashes. He was so beautiful in her eyes.

"No. I was just thinking." Janet shrugged, smirking, looking back out to the distance. Tupac continued to look at her, not only waiting for the rest of her statement but, examining her face, so beautiful to him.

"Of?" He questioned. Once more, she looked back at him, this time her face was a little more serious, her eyes were more glossier.

"That night. I'm glad you pulled through, I don't know what I would've done without you. I would've been lost without you." Janet spoke, softly.

"Like I told you before, I'll never leave you. I'll be right here with you until the end of time." He replied, wiping the stray tear that escaped from her eye with his thumb. Janet cracked a small smile. "And that is why I gave you a ring. I'm fully committed to you and Leanne. I'll never leave you two."

"I love you, Pac." Janet said, confidently, with pride, "Forever and ever."

"I love you too, Janet."

They began to kiss at this creek once more. Bringing back old memories of the first time. Only this time, married with a daughter. Just how Janet imagined and prayed for when he was in that hospital bed. When she received the call from his mother, she was so relieved. She cried tears of joy for a good thirty minutes before getting there. It was by the Grace of God, he woke up. Now, everything she'd hoped, wished, and prayed for is coming to pass.

A miracle.

A/N: yes I know this book was short but, I hope it was worth it. And I hope you guys loved it. Thanks sooo much for 2K reads (in total). This is amazing. As a writer I doubted my books and my writing skills so much but, the support I get keeps me going.

Not gonna lie, this last chapter was very debatable. Didn't really know what direction I wanted to go in. But, I just started writing and here we are! 9/10, with me being me, there will be a sequel.

Thanks for the votes comments and reads. Any questions or concerns, leave them below.


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