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Becca's POV

I'm sitting on the couch, looking at prices for appliances when I hear the door open. I turn around, seeing Kat walk in, and slid off her shoes. "What the actual hell?" She shouts walking towards the couch to meet my eyes. "Nice to see you too." I say, sarcastic, but keeping a straight face. "Why are you moving out?" She asks, sadness, and anger in her tone. "Thought I'd try living on my own for a bit, and that way you can hang out with the boys without me in the way." I shrug, setting my laptop down on the table. "In the way? Since when have you been in the way?" She continues, sitting down beside me. "Well Jack and I haven't been on the best terms lately, and it's kinda like him or me. I decided that it'd just be better for me to leave, and everything can go back to how it was before." I explain, trying to make sense of myself. "If it goes back to the way it was before, Jack's going to be sent back into a spiral of depression, Daniel and I wont be in such a stable place. Corbyn, and Jonah wont hang out with us, and Zach will be too busy with his girl problems. Yes I know Zach still has problems, but some how they've went down since you showed up." I can see the tears in her eyes start to form. "I just want to try it, and if you need me call me." I try comforting her. "No, you're the glue." She says, trying to hold back tears. "No I'm not. You and Daniel are meant to be I swear, you guys would make it to where you are no matter what, and I'm sure Corbyn and Jonah would still hang out with you, cause I swear I'm not the only reason they do. Zach's problems where solved when Madison came into the picture, and I know Jack, he'll be okay." She looks down for a second, a tear falling from each eye. "Well we already lost Mae, I don't want to lose you too." She looks up, her eyes already a little red. "What do you mean you lost Mae? Wasn't she with you guys on the flight home?" I ask, confused. "Well yeah, but when you texted me saying you were moving, she said she had to go back to Florida because of family stuff, then her and Jonah got in a fight ending their whole thing. She flew home with us, went back with Madison to their apartment, and we haven't heard from her since." She explains. "That's screwed up, but I promise you're not losing me. I'm just moving to west Hollywood, and I'll come visit anytime you want me to." I say falling back onto the couch. "Promise?" Looking at me, her eyes still filled with tears. "Promise." I nod.

We're in my room, I'm packing while Kat sits on the bed scrolling through her phone. "Thanks for the help." Sarcasm twisted into my voice. "I'm busy." She whines. "Looking through social media?" I look at her confused. "For your information, I'm trying to resolve a problem." She lowers her phone, and looks up at me. "What problem might that be?" I stand straight, crossing my arms. "The one with you and Jack." She mumbles. "Stop." My smile falls. "But I want it over so you and him can be okay, and you won't have to move out." She frowns, continuing to type. "It's our problem, and if it needed solving we would be able to do it ourselves." I drop my arms to my sides. "Well then solve it, cause I just invited him over." She smiles, looking at me, and setting her phone down. "You did not." My eyes widen. "Sure did." She nods. "Well you can go hangout with him downstairs cause he's not allowed in my room." I flash a smile, and continue to pick up my clothes. "Well actually technically it's not your room anymore. Since you're moving out it's your used room, that you're just borrowing until your apartment is available." She smirks, a devious look in her eye. "Ohh you cause me pain Kennedy." I look at her. "I try my best Jenson." She laughs.

A few minutes later there's a knock at the door, and Kat just yelled for them to come in knowing it was Jack. "Hello." He says walking in, and closing the door. "Hiii, we're upstairs in Becca's old room." Kat says excitedly, standing up. She smiles at me, while turning to the door. He smiles at Kat, then looking at the ground. We stand awkwardly for a second, and I turn to Kat giving her a 'this is never going to happen' look. "Would you excuse us for a second." Kat says turning to Jack. He looks up at her, "Yeah of course." He smiles and nods, stepping out. Kat closes the door then turning back to me. "The only reason it's not going to work is cause your too stupidly stubborn to just talk to him. Like for Gods sake Becca he's been so out of it, and you need to talk it out so you guys can just be happy again." She whines, hitting me on the shoulder. "Okay, but what if he yells at me? I'm scared that somethings going to happen, like I need it to just be over. Like poof the problem is solved, and we can just be okay, but life doesn't work like that. I want it to, but it just- it doesn't." I calm myself at the end, looking her straight in the eye. "I know it doesn't work like that, but you can still work it out, just talk to him please." She continues hitting me. "Fine, fine, just stop hitting me." I say, taking a step back and pushing her hand away. "Good." She says, then walks to the door letting Jack back in. "Everything okay? I heard a bit of commotion." He asks looking at Kat, then to me. "Yeah, we're okay." I nod, smiling. "How are you?" He asks, smiling in return. "I'm okay, how are you?" I glance at Kat, who's smiling, then look back at Jack. "I'm.. fine." He shrugs looking down. "Well I would ask whats wrong, but I don't think you really trust me anymore." I cross my arms. "I never said I stopped trusting you." He says quietly looking up at me with his eyes only. "Then may I ask whats wrong?" I look down at the ground, slightly awkward. "I'd rather not talk about it." He shrugs, lifting his head. "Makes sense."

We talk for about an hour before he goes back home. "We should have dinner." Kat says looking at me. "Lets just order a pizza." I respond still looking at my foot resting on the table. "You wanna waste your money on pizza?" She asks confused, and I just look at her. "Well I guess it's not a waste, but we have so much food in the house I could just make something." She explains herself. "Yes, but I don't want to wait for you to figure out what you're going to make, and then wait for it to be done. I have money, and when I move out you can make dinner for the boys every night." I say, pulling out my phone. "But I wanna make you a dinner before you move out." Se whines. "You can my last night, and we can have everyone over." I smile, opening my Dominos app. "Fine." She pouts. While I order she just stares at me like I'm an impossible math question, but she's trying to figure it out. "What?" I say looking at her after I place our order. "Do you still love him?" She asks, referring to Jack. "Of course I do, and I don't think I'll ever stop. He will always have a part of me." I smile, looking back down.

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