He Doesn't Want Me To Bust My Face

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I jump up and cheer loudly waving my arms around as we get a home run, the first one of the game. I look at Mason still sitting down trying to squint and see through the standing crowd. I try and pull him up but he doesn’t budge. We watch the game as the other team gets two more home runs, our most prized pitcher Ashton Irwin just recently sprained a few fingers on his pitching hand and the coach being as dumb as he is hasn’t been able to train another pitcher, so poor Ashton has just being completely and utterly struggling. I chew on my lip and turn to Mason,

            “Can you get me a hot dog please?”

            “Anything for you” he whispers kissing my head and leaving the bleachers to head towards the concession stand. I needed something to distract me from this game, which looked like it was not going to turn out with a win. Mason returns not long after with two hot dogs and a can of sprite. He hands me the hot dog and unwraps his own while popping open the can of soda.

            “Thank you” I say with my mouth full, Mason smiles then sits and starts to work on his own hot dog.I steal his soda which inexplicably is my favorite and take a sip when my phone buzzes and I frown taking it out from the back pocket of my jean shorts, it was a text from Jason:

J: Can u plz go get me a Gatorade?

K: Get it urself

J: Come one pleaseeeee

K:  you owe me

J: Will do thx

            “Hold this” I say shoving my half eaten hot dog and his soda towards Mason. I get up and work my through all the people and buy the largest Gatorade they had. Since I am Jason's sister I'm very close to all the boys on the baseball team, I go out with them after games all the time and I consider them some good friends if I do say so myself. They were a fun lot of boys.After getting to the dugout I see Jason all the way at the end on the opposite side of the bench.

            “Psst” I whisper, trying not to disrupt the players focus on the game.

            Jason gets up and grabs the bottle from my hands and screws the top off. He drinks half of it before finally looking at me.


            “You owe me a dollar” I tease, punching him jokingly in the arm. He drinks almost all of it before the coach turns towards us.

            “COOPER!” The coach bellows out our last name and Jason shoves the practically empty bottle towards me and jogging over to the coach, grabbing a bat and a helmet.

            “Good luck!” I yell after him, Jason turns and nods swiftly before running the rest of the small distance to the home plate.  The team hoots and hollers as I watch him jump around and get ready with a smile on my face.

            “Hey Kady” Some of the boys say when they finally see me there. I smile a small smile and wave slightly. I hear the bat clink and see Jason hit the ball first time and make it all the way to second base. Good Job Jay, I think. I’m heading out of the dugout, when I feel my Vans catch the edge of a bag. I’m about to really bust my lip open when two strong arms grasp under my arms and pull me up as if I weighed nothing.

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