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I bolt down the stairs, grabbing my bag on the way. I quickly sling it over my shoulder and run out the door. It's raining outside but it smells nice at least, I've always enjoyed the smell of rain. I walk down the street, happy to be outdoors. 

I look around, taking in my surroundings. I see my art on the wall, a boy painted in black with rain dripping down on him. It's all shades of black, representing the overwhelming depression of society. 

Just don't tell anyone that I did it, graffiti is totally illegal around here. 

I continue walking, crossing multiple streets and smiling at neighbours and old friends. I finally reach the school and walk into the big front doors. I get flooded by crowds of people and lots of noise rushes at me. 

I look down and walk to my first class, I know the foot pattern by heart now and can find it very easily without looking up. I walk into the classroom, finally looking up, I find a seat towards the front and sit down. 

Class starts and ends, the day seems to be going by very slowly. I walk to my next class, hoping for something that is actually interesting. I sit in the front of the room, away from everyone else.

 I don't like people very much. 

This class goes by still very slowly. The bell goes off and I walk out into the hall. I once again get bombarded with sound and body heat and human beings. 

human beings

I sigh and walk towards the cafeteria. That's when the announcement went off. 

"Attention, clear the halls. Lock all doors and keep quiet"  blared over the intercom

I didn't think much of it, probably just a drill. I turn into the nearest classroom and nod at the teacher who is watching all of the students who are gathered in the corner. I'm told to join them in the corner, so I do. 

I hear the door open and close, I think nothing of it, probably just another student coming in from the halls. That's when the first shot goes off. The teacher falls to the floor, everyone starts screaming. 

My mind is racing, I can't think straight. Next thing I know i'm being pulled into a closet with a bunch of other people. 

A few minutes pass, they feel like hours in my head. I hear pacing and a million thoughts race through my head. Another gunshot, someone in the closet yelps. The pacing stops, then it becomes louder and the door is thrown open. 

I shut my eyes tight, then I get ripped from the closet and thrown onto the ground. 


I look up, opening my eyes, there's a man standing over me wearing a black hood and gray clothes, almost like the one from my painting. 

Next thing I know there's a bang and a lot of pain in my side.

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