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it's always the strangers that sting the worst

I'm sitting on the hospital bed, looking down at my lap. 

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Abel" Jax says, his voice is strained and choppy

"I-I....." I can't form any words, I break down sobbing

The room goes quiet, except for my sobs 

10 minutes later I'm snot-nosed and red-eyed, still blubbering like a baby. 

"You're going to get through this" Jax says, putting his hand on my leg 

I kinda forgot he was even still here. 

All I can do is sit here and hold back cries as mostly silent tears roll down my cheeks. 

It's silent for a few more minutes, then the door bursts open. 

It's a big guy wearing a baggy sweatshirt and dark tinted shades. 

"you Abel?" he asks, his voice deep 

"Y-yes sir" I say, trying to stiffen my tone

"I'm King, and i'm investigating this case-" he starts, but I cut him off

"I already said that I w-would talk to the police another day" I say, looking down 

"I'm not with the police" he says, his once harsh tone now becoming softer

"oh" I say, looking back up

"I'm a...sort of...private investigator" he explains, talking with his hands 

"okay", I look him up and down

"I just want to hear your side of the story of what went down." he says, nodding at himself

"oh" I repeat, my breathing becoming shallow

"start from the beginning" he says, pulling out his phone, "I'll be recording you so everything gets noted" he adds

"I-I.....I...uhm" I stutter, unable to form words. 

"It's okay" Jax says, smiling at me 

"Whenever you are ready, it's alright" King says, nodding at me. 

"Okay." I say, then go silent 

It's silent for a good 10 minutes, the only sound is my heavy breathing and sniffling 

"I'm ready" I finally say. 

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