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Words: 1153

TW: Mentions of rape, suicide, single motherhood, death

Being poor wasn't easy.

But being a poor single mother was way worse.

After what seemed like perfect teenage love, your boyfriend broke up with you because somebody was better. You were angry, you were depressed and denying everything. Then you understood. You just weren't that perfect match.

And when the relationship ended nothing was the same anymore. Nobody was noticing you when you were returning late at night with him at your side. He was a sign, that you won't be an easy target, they wanted you alone. And they got you.

During the very late evening or rather a night, streets became dangerous for a single girl like you. And others used that.

You didn't remember too much, just pain and being ashamed of what happened. Also dullness. This feeling if being used, of being nothing more but a sex toy for males. Your parents as very religious people said no to giving you money for abortion and threw you out on the streets, calling you unpure and sinful. Like it was your fault for being used.

Police caught the ones who did that and they are in prison now, but the mark was left. The mark as in small girl.

You were lucky enough to have her being similar to you and not the one who did that to you. After painful twelve hours of labour, you decided to keep her. But if she had features of her father, who knows then, maybe she would be in a different family now. Even if you didn't like kids a little bit, you had this pathetic need of somebody suffering pitiful life with you.

So there you were, laying on the hospital bed with your little girl in your arms. She was very calm and sleepy, just like you right now.

Her big, (e/c) eyes were slowly closing and her babbling ended, in exchange for soft snores. Despite everything, you were somehow proud of this little spark of life. But you didn't want to go through this ever again. It was too much forced pain that you haven't even planned.

However, your self-ignorance had its edges and soon you fell into a depressed state again. You just couldn't help it. Everything returned and even if you knew that part of it was postpartum depression, you seemed to drown in it with no chance of helping.

In desperation, you tried to help yourself. You heard of this place called Kamar-Taj, that helped lost souls to go back on track. You were in desperate need of guidance, so with no hesitation, you rushed to that place.

Carefully wandering in the streets of this small city you wondered if they will help you. You could get some pity, but will it be enough for them to help you?

Soon you found yourself in front of a door to the infamous temple. It didn't look like anything you have seen and definitely not like some sort of clinic, but there isn't much to lose now. You can't afford to go back and you have nowhere to back in the first place. You just have to move forward because you have nothing behind.

Knocking softly on the wooden surface, you cowered your little daughter with another layer of scarfs. She will have to be feed soon, so it will be better if you could do that indoors.

After some time of nothing, you nervously knocked again. However, you accidentally knocked someone on their chest. Quickly backing away, you apologized nervously to the person. It was a high, bald woman dressed in some kind of yellow robes. She was quite intimidating and scary.

Stuttering and sweating, you tried your best to explain your current situation. How you became lost and on the brink of committing suicide. She listened with a poker face, not interrupting even once. She waited till you stopped your nervous mumbling. When she opened her mouth to start talking, she was interrupted, but not by you. It was your little child.

"I guess it would be better if you stepped inside" she stated and opened the door further.

You timidly stepped inside. She led you the way through the temple.

From then on, you had a new home, where you finally felt safe. Your little girl grew up in safety and it shows. She became a cheerful and energetic toddler. You trained her a little with an allowance from the Ancient One, so she could protect herself if anything happened. After all, there was more evil in the world than you thought.

But your opinion about evil things was slightly changed after certain former neurosurgeon entered the temple.

You helped him a few times in the beginning, despite thinking that males are dangerous, a stereotype that was hard to get rid off after all that happened.

With time, he became more normal and less self-centred. To the point where you got used to him and became fully comfortable with him. Which was unusual for you.

You had a crush on the handsome man.

After the whole incident with Ancient One's death on the operation table, you found Stephen in front of the sink.

"Stephen? Are you alright?"

He faced you with tears in his eyes that he desperately tried to hide.

"Yes, yes, just..." he couldn't find the right words.

You stepped forward and raised your hands to hand them on his cheeks.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk now" you said in a calm and quiet voice.

He looked in your eyes for a second, like looking for an answer for some questions. And then he kissed you.

You felt warm inside, that forbidden feeling filling your whole body. You felt like that only once before, and you were scared. But longing for some stability was too strong.

Breaking the kiss, you backed off a little, not sure how to react.

"What about my daughter? What about her? Will you leave me just like him?" You mumbled, mouth too slow to tell all your thoughts.

He took your face in his scarred and trembling hands.

"I'm not a horny teenager"


He stayed.

After two years everything was perfect. (D/n) was still this enthusiastic, energetic child, just a little older. And she didn't mind your relationship, she even treated Stephen like a father.

Cuddling closer to his warm body, you sighed happily. Looking at the new silver ring on your finger, your heart was filled with love. You wanted to be normal again, to have a normal relationship and not be afraid if the situation got a little heated. Stephen was patient and didn't even want to do things unless you said that you wanted to.

He was delicate like you were broken glass. Because you were, but he put you together again.

"Thank you for healing me" you said, kissing under his chin and returning back to sleep.

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